Sex between men is extremely dangerous. So dangerous the WHO is suggesting ALL gay men take antiretroviral drugs.
[links to Washington Post article}
This isn't coming from a Christian or right wing hysterical news source. This is WHO. About as secular as you can get.
This is more proof gay sex is extremely dangerous and highly unhealthy.
What about being black? After all, most AIDS cases are in Africa.
Didn't think this 'un through, did ye?
"This is more proof gay sex is extremely dangerous and highly unhealthy."
Since AIDS is cause by a virus and not gay sex, this is more proof that christians are full of shit.
"There is nothing done by gay men that isn't also done by straight couples."
Correct. It's just that here, it was "gay sex" in Fundiespeak: penile-anal intercourse between men; AKA "anal sex."
I love when Christians cry crocodile tears for homosexuals. "Oh, we're SOOOO worried about your health. Join our cult and behave exactly like us.". It shows how far the world still needs to go when salesmen and companies are (rightfully) kicked out and boycotted when they try to callously capitalize on tragedies but when religious types try to sell their religion WE'RE wrong for criticizing them.
"So dangerous the WHO is suggesting"
Well, The Doctor is the only being in the universe the Daleks fear ; not for nothing do they refer to him as 'The Oncoming Storm'. [/hyper-sarcasm]
"This is WHO"
Peter Capaldi - the 12th Doctor - sure. [/hyper-sarcasm II]
"This is more proof gay sex is extremely dangerous and highly unhealthy."
Capt. Jack Harkness is Bi , yet he's immortal ; PROTIP: Remember 'The Face of Boe', a being that is billions of years old? That's him in the far future . [/hyper-sarcasm III, and you've struck out, as Doug Piranha makes you pull your own head off. Just before his brother Dinsdale nails your head to the floor. ]
[/Whovian] X3
According to a study conducted by the CDC , 44 percent of American men have had anal sex with a woman, and 36 percent of American women have had anal sex with a man. 6 percent of the men have had any kind of sex with a man, and 12 percent of the women have had any kind of sex with a woman.
It's not the attraction to people of the same gender that is making anal sex more dangerous, but the fact that the risk of tearing, and subsequent bleeding, is higher with anal sex. It's also more dangerous to be the recipient, of both anal and vaginal sex, as the exposed area, so to speak, is much larger than just the urinary opening in the penis, which is all that is exposed by the one penetrating. Lesbian sex remain the least "dangerous" form of sex, so I guess that it is extremely healthy, then...
This is more proof that you're a homophobe.
In frummerland, there are no Lesbians.
Ever notice that? They VERY rarely rant about Lesbians. It's always Gay Men/Buttsex. Weird people!
Nope. What they're suggesting is the use of condoms and retrovirals just un case for those with more than one partner, including prostitutes and just as a way of prevention. According to the same article, the cases of new infections hace been reduced un more than a third. Bear un mind that it's for men all over the world, not just the west
Listen brain dead: you will get HIV if you have unprotected sex with anyone who already has the virus. Period. Be they yellow, black, red or white, gay or straight, if they have the virus, they can give it to you unless you are protected.
No. Unprotected sex, of any variety, is an unhealthy practice.
Do you think heterosexuals are immune to AIDS?
And heterosexual sex can give you plenty of other STDs too, but you are not carrying on about how "extremely dangerous" it is.
Oh right, I forgot... God thinks gay sex is icky.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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