Matt Barber #fundie
Christians, Stand Your Ground Against Homofascism
Defense of God's design for natural marriage - along with the God-given, constitutional freedom of conscience to decline participation in and, thereby, endorsement of, its unnatural and sin-based counterfeit, so-called "gay marriage" - is now among America's premier civil-rights struggles. I know from whence I speak, as 10 years ago I was fired from a major fortune 100 company for writing, on my own time and on my home computer, an op-ed acknowledging the requisite binary male-female nature of authentic marriage and human sexuality.
Rather than rolling over and accepting this injustice, I sued in federal court. God used that situation not only to bless me and my family with a significant monetary settlement, but to place me on the front lines in the fast-escalating war against religious liberty. I share this not to boast, but, rather, to encourage you - to illustrate God's marvelous faithfulness in my own life.
It's getting ugly out there, and it will only get worse. The cases are piling up. We've now seen dozens of bakers, photographers, florists, inn keepers, magistrates, county clerks and other people involved in various vocations surrounding marriage suffer persecution for merely declining to become complicit in sin. Christians are being financially ruined and even facing jail time for refusing to lend their time, talents, gifts and abilities to sanction unnatural marriage rituals.
There have been a number of good and well-intentioned individuals who, rather than participating in these pagan "gay marriage" rituals, have either resigned employment or, if business owners, closed their doors altogether. While this is admirable, I submit that, if and when you, dear Christian, are placed in a situation that compels you to choose between obedience to God's just laws or man's unjust laws, that you not only refuse to obey the unjust laws, but refuse to quit.
Stand your ground.
I suggest that when any Christian business owner, magistrate or county clerk is told that he must participate in a sinful "gay marriage" ceremony, that he not only refuse to do so, but that he refuse to step down. Do not resign your post. Force the government to overtly persecute you - to take punitive action against you for your righteous stand. Even if you face chains.