Never in my statements did I say dinosaurs never existed. They existed and some might say they still do. I know a man named Paul Nation. He's done some missions in the Congo region. He was working with some very isolated pygmy tribes there. They were doing a bit of paleantology as well. Some of the natives there got a hold of one of his dinosaur books and began describing the temperments of some of the dinosaurs' pictures. For instance, they said that Triceratops are very aggressive towards elephants and usually chase them off. They commented that one of the longnecked dinosaurs(don't remember which) stay in the river all the time and are very shy and hard to spot. And when you combine this with the fact that the congo has only been 20% explored, you have a tangible theory.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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