Feminists won’t disavow murder. They like human sacrifice and bowing down to Satanic idols.
And the atheistic reductionists like abortion too (well, they actually value animals more than worthless humans, which they have in common with the feminists and the environmentalists).
Ooh, an Internet mind reader! What number am I thinking of?
Atheist feminist environmentalist here. I value all life, and human life most of all. Stop trying to pigeonhole people whose ideals you're too ignorant to understand.
Not true.
Not true at all.
Phil, Rabbit is the person who submitted the comment to this site.
Alcestis Eshtemoa is the poster on the original site.
You've been trolling here for a while now and you don't even seem to understand how FSTDT works.
Stupid fundies. Just because you all aknowledge and follow a guiding set of universal rules you believe were set down by your God, does not mean everyone else does.
We make our own individual decisions on all aspects of our lives, rather than following a pre-determined blueprint. I guess that scares you, and gets in the way of your transferring hate from one individual to another by defining them as belonging to the same herachical group.
More fool you.
Feminists want control over their body (which is fine in the case of abortion at least)
Atheists are tired of the whole "Embryos are holy, burn those thou shalt end them" bullshit, and since research proved that we can do that safely and with no harm for the "baby", well...
Oh no! An army of strawmen! Run for your lives!!!
According to the Bible, you are not counted among your people (i.e. become human) until forty days after birth.
The ones who actually like abortion can probably be counted with the help of the fingers on two hands. We are just saying that sometimes it's the lesser of two evils, and must be available, or desperate people will take desperate actions.
I abhor all killings and I don't believe in Satan anymore than I believe in gods. I can't even eat whole chickens or drumsticks, because that reminds me of the individual that was killed so that I can eat.
Humans ARE animals, ya know. Environmentalists protect those who can't protect themselves, like the environment and animals. Humans can fight on their own behalf. That's one reason it might seem as they value animals more than the animal Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
... And if you look here, you will see a fundie's preferred tactic of arguing their points, the demonization of everyone they don't agree with.
Seriously, if that's the only way they can argue, then it's no wonder that most people don't take them seriously.
"Feminists won’t disavow murder."
Patently false.
"They like human sacrifice"
Patently false.
"and bowing down to Satanic idols."
And, once again, patently false.
"And the atheistic reductionists like abortion too (well, they actually value animals more than worthless humans, which they have in common with the feminists and the environmentalists)."
I don't understand what "atheistic reductionists" means, but as an atheist I know that I don't like abortion, but some times it is the best option and the right to safe, medical abortion must be firmly established throughout the country.
P.S. I do value some non-human animals above some human animals... you for instance.
No, what some of us try to tell you is:
You "pro-lifers" value unborn reproductive material with as much self-awareness as yogurt, more than living humans and animals that are self-aware and can feel pain.
It takes some real dogged axe-grinding to produce that kind of mental state.
Ooh, an Internet mind reader! What number am I thinking of?
Ohhh difficult question... It's either 42 or 420...
Feminists won’t disavow murder.
Abortion is not murder because this is not a person.
They like human sacrifice and bowing down to Satanic idols.
But since you broach the subject...
Be very afraid Alcestis... XD, >:D.
- ask a fundie troll and learn
Wherein we learn that a transient fundie troll can't distinguish between Alcestis Eshtemoa and Rabbit of Caerbannog.
From the OP we learn that the therapeutic content of malign internet chundering is enhanced if it also propagates the crazy ignorant drivel of fuckwitists.
Here's a hint, Alcestis Eshtemoa :
When a bunch of feminists get together and burn their bras, they are not "worshipping" the resulting bonfire.
The resulting bonfire does, however, give us lecherous male onlookers more light to see their now-naked boobies by, however.
@ Rabbit of Caerbannog
Sadly, as much as you might try to offer advice... you simply can't fix stupid.
Whenever I sit down to talk to Jesus and ask him over a couple of beers and a bit of wine (Jesus really does love his wine... I always offer him a glass of water when he comes by; you know the rest) about messages to pass on to PG, this is pretty much the only image he sees fit to sear into my puny human brain with his H.O.L.Y. S.P.I.R.I.T. Laser Beams...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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