"I confess I haven't checked the records of the individual institutions. But it does make most of our witticisms here fall flat on their faces."
But the fact that Kitzmiller vs. Dover (the precedent set, despite the best attempts of the most prominent Creation Scientist Michael Behe), makes even an Emeritus Professor of Cellular Biology/Geology/Molecular Genetics fall flat on their faces, when they say word one about Creationism being fact, and Evolution being lies, when their own doctorate dissertations would clearly have to suggest otherwise.
It would be like Neil Armstrong saying that the animated short by Aardman Animation - featuring Wallace & Gromit - "A Grand Day Out"* - was actually a documentary, and contradicted his own account of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
So, messrs. Menton, Snelling & Purdom, with all the material brought back by messrs. Armstrong & Aldrin (to say nothing of that by subsequent Apollo astronauts), did it include cheese? If so, then find us a four-legged insect. And a unicorn. Also a rabbit that chews it's cud.
Oh, and good luck in building that replica of the Ark. Considering that, to make it so that it could hold at least two of all species that exist today (with facilities for feed storage, animal exercising, crew quarters etc), it would have to be far bigger than the Jahre Viking supertanker.
The largest wooden ship made to date was the French vessel Rochambeau. In 1874. It sailed only once.
'She was not particularly stable or seaworthy, even with her substantial metal components, and only made one voyage in the open ocean to reach her new owners.'
Should be fun seeing how seaworthy their Ark (like I say, much bigger than the largest ocean-going vessel to date, the Jahre Viking)really is, eh...?!
Bon voyage, Menton, Snelling & Purdom. On your maiden voyage of the largest wooden ship -cum-submarine.
@Doubting Thomas
"And does anyone else find it funny that Patriot University can be shortened to PU?"
(*Goes into Otaku mode*)
'Puu!' is what the white rabbitty-like thingy called Mokona says, in the manga by CLAMP (and the anime based on such) "Magic Knight Rayearth"
Indeed, it's the only thing it can say. And even then, it's infinitely more intelligent than the verbal diarrhoea spewed out by Patriot University's most famous alumnus, Kent Hovind.
...oh, and BTW, Kentypoos: don't forget to keep dropping the soap! >:D
[spoiler]The two Mokonas in CLAMP's all-encompassing manga "xxxHOLiC"/"Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle" - which were made by Yuuko & Clow Reed - are ones based on MKR's original. Which is God. Oh, and Yuuko the Dimensional Witch & Clow Reed? They have created gods for many worlds. Suck on that, fundies.[/spoiler]