Sometimes, the Christian bashing used on this board bothers me....but then I just think of how the haters will burn in hell...and that makes me feel better
And this, people, is the reason hellfire and damnation is loved by fundies. They're comforted by the thought of someone being punished for anything they don't like. They don't let it stay a personal dislike, a difference in opinion. They make it GOD'S LAW, and anyone who doesn't agree with them doesn't agree with god. Shakespeare once said "The devil can quote scripture for his purpose" - and he was right on the mark.
but then I just think of how the haters will burn in hell...and that makes me feel better
Typical fundie, insult all who disagree with their version of religion, then almost have an orgasm hoping they all suffer eternally.
This deserves to be in the top 100.
I'm a Christian. Why do I hate fundies? Probably because I'm centrist, not right winged.
People who sprout off stupid comments like this deserve to get shat on!
2008-Apr-20 11:01 AM
If the thought of people burning in hell makes you feel better you're not much of a Christian, you're just a fundie.
This kinda makes me think of a child:
"You can't hate me! I can hate you because I'm better than you and... and... and you're gonna get yours in the afterlife!"
Seriously though, what a douche.
Just more evidence that fundie Hell = childish revenge fantasy.
Hell is a fantasy, but at least moderates have the compassion not to want people to be sent to their fantasy torture chamber.
You're gonna be really disappointed when you die... Or, you would be, if a corpse could have emotions.
My plan for immortality is to download my brain into the Matrix just before Alzheimer's disease turns it into swiss cheese.
Edit: To be clear, I meant my brain, not the matrix, turning into swiss cheese.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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