WND Exclusive
Are Bibles 'giants' set for return?
New experiments in genetic engineering could open the doors for the return of fearsome "giants" described in the Bible – the offspring of human women and fallen angels – warns author Thomas Horn in his best-selling book, "Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers."
I love how more and more fundies are able to incorporate the tenants of b-list sci-fi movies into their beliefs, but still won't budge on evolution.
Perhaps evolution is too factual for them - they seem to be a very fantasy driven people. If we could explain it in terms of fallen angels from alternate dimensions, or a good vs. evil battle, perhaps they would be more accepting of the theory.
They are a very strange people.
Again, half of this stuff would be fucking sweet as a sci-fi/modern fantasy novel.
I think I'll steal it and take out all of the batshit insanery.
I like the fact that this is advertised as a WND Exclusive .
Good thing the other media outlets haven't gotten their hands on it yet, yessirree!
So it's a WND exclusive? Well, gosh, I can't imagine why the lie-beral MSM aren't all over this, unless they want to suppress the Truth.
New experiments in genetic engineering could open the doors for the return of fearsome "dinosaurs" warned author Michael Crichton in his best-selling book, "Jurassic Park".
"And they won't be the cuddly ones Adam and Eve snuggled up to in pre-fall Eden" said Thomas Horn.
What the crap is up with the year 2012? First, Nibiru...and now this. The wackies are latching onto the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and because of this, our world as we know it is going to go bliggety-blam. Jeez. The only thing I'm going to be looking forward to in 2012 is the Olympics and my High School 20th-anniversary reunion.
You know, if you read the article you see that the guy references books that aren't in the Babble for this "revelation" or whatever.
Which raises the WTF flag anew.
oh for fucks sake, do you have any proof of this?
i don't think you do, you idiot
the sky is falling!
the sky is falling!
the sky is falling!
the sky is falling!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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