Paul Dowdy #fundie
science confirms that life cannot arise from non-life SO= where did humans, animals,plant life come from? And science says there has to be a cause and effect so whats the cause. If a scientist could tell me that he knows where everything came from then i would believe that the bible is fake. but science will never be able to make sence think about it you keep coming back to how did it get started and science has no starting prosess for life. you cant take nothing and nothing and a little bit of nothing and put it togeter in a lab and creat anything. science dont even know how a cubit foot of space is created you know that stuff you walk threw ,air is in it ,your house is in it ,the earth is in it. you cant tell me space is just free theres no formula no math to figure it out. If you use worldly logic it just dont make sence you know science. the only logical answer is the unlogical one to use that something magical created everything wich would be god. Oh yeah i belive in the bible but i belive that it is older than alot of people do. The bible does say that the world is round spear mean round. and the the bible saying things like i will go to the end of the world doesnt mean they thought is was flat we still say that phrase today. and the bible knew that befor we did. the bible knew that there were spings in the bottom of the ocean and we didnt discover it until like 1970. Even if im wrong why would anyone want to live knowing that they are just going to die in that case i dont mean anything life is all for nothing. or you can beleve and get saved and you still dont have to live a sin free life thats why jesus died on the cross. you have nothing to lose if you beleve. and if you dont beleve you have nothing to gain even if the bible and god was not ture.