Martin #fundie
Herald Newman: I don't think we need rigid definitions of "love" and "harm" in order to understand that love is generally beneficial, and harm is not.
Let's imagine two societies:
In society A, all of the members hate one another, and do not care what happens to any other member of that society. Each member lives by the philosophy "I got mine, and I'll fight you for yours." If a member runs out of food, they should have planned better, and probably starve. When a member is attacked by animals, nobody comes to their aid.
In society B, the members all are concerned about other members of the society, and actively try to protect them from the dangers of the world. Members who have no food are given some of the excess with the expectation of repaying the kindness. When a member of society is attacked by animals another member will try to help and protect them.
Now tell me. Which society do you think is more likely to survive and flourish? Which society would you rather live in? I'm going to bet that most of you would rather live in society B.
So now comes the question. Why does love and morality need an outside source?? We're an evolved social species, and our evolution has made us so that we generally want to cooperate with each other. The survival of our species depends on us caring about certain members of the tribe, and wanting to protect them. Doing so has allowed us to survive.
I still shake my head that people, let alone Christians, insist that morality needs some "outside source" is order to make sense. It doesn't! Maybe it's because we're so far removed from the days when surviving through the night meant you had to put your life into the hands of other members of the tribe.
Martin: So where is your evidence for Evolution? It's a fairy story for grown ups, nothing more.
You're morality, as you describe it, is based on selfishness, not love. You ask what is best for me, for my group.
What is missing from your understanding of life is your acceptance of what you know, that God exists. Life is only good when it is based on the respect and love for our Creator. From that we naturally have respect and love for each other. From love for God comes a desire for justice and the protection of the weak. Our society is degenerating, care for each other is evaporating, the powerful look after themselves and do not care for the weak. Love is wanting the best for a person, not seeking the survival of the species.
Harold Newman: "So where is your evidence for Evolution? It's a fairy story for grown ups, nothing more." Go take a science class, or try the Wikipedia article on "evidence of common descent" Your ignorance of evolution does not justify the belief that it's a "fairy story for grown ups."
"What is missing from your understanding of life is your acceptance of what you know, that God exists" Are you going to quote Romans 1:20 at me too?
"Life is only good when it is based on the respect and love for our Creator." Says who ???
Martin: Science will show you that here is no evidence for Evolution, only claims and assertions.
That you know your folly does not require me to provide quotes. God is quite clear, apart from God, nothing is good.