[Thread starter: Childbirth Proves Genesis]
"Genesis 3
16 To the woman he said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing;
in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your
husband, and he shall rule over you."
We see no evidence of animals having the same type of pain that human women
have during child birth. Therefore Genesis is accurate.
About everything."
So, a fairytale written to explain the origin of the pain women obviously endured during childbirth proves the bible is true?
Then that means "How The Leopard Got His Spots" and "How The Tiger Got His Stripes" are also 100% true!
"We see no evidence of animals having the same type of pain that human women
have during child birth. "
And a screaming lobster is not evidence that they experience the same type of pain that humans have when boiled alive.
Humans aren't the only species to suffer difficultly during childbirth. Ever seen a cat give birth? A barnyard animal? The babies don't just fall out, like some people seem to think. It's still a rather painful ordeal, and the mother will definitely let you know just how much pain she's in. And as someone already mentioned, Hyenas have extremely difficult births.
We have narrow pelvises to help us walk upright and large skulls to house our large brains. The downside for this is that childbirth can be a very nasty ordeal. Unless Adam and Eve crawled on their hands and legs, were giants who birthed 7lb babies, or had tiny little heads, they wouldn't have been able to walk.
Human women do experience grater-than-average pain in childbirth, but this is because of evolution, not your sky-fairy's curse. The human brain has just about reached the limit for what can fit through the pelvic opening. If the brain got any bigger, either kids couldn't come out that way, or women couldn't walk.
Of course, in [M]adman's case, it was probably an easy slide: no appreciable brain held things up.
Have you been present at any birth? Most animals still give birth on all fours, humans should do this too, let gravity work. But when doctors came into the birthing process they prefered the women to be on their backs, easier access for them (the doctors). Humans have a very large cranium, luckily it's not completely fused together at birth. And women have the mental capacity to be scared beforehand of birth, many women tense up and have more pain as a consequence.
So, according to that quotation women are in pain, but the men are in charge. Nice one, idiot!
Don't know much about physiology, do you? Some women give birth with little pain, and as Swedish Pagan said, I've seen animals scream in pain during childbirth. It goes both ways.
Also, the ending of your rant does not follow. Genesis contains hundreds of blatant historical and scientific errors. It would be hard to write a document that was less scientifically accurate than Genesis.
About anything.
Evolution says that the human brain has evolved faster than the woman's pelvic opening. That's why women have problems giving birth.
We see no evidence of animals having the same type of pain that human women have during child birth.
What about the worm that has no genitals? Its eggs develop inside its body cavity, then it swallows sperm from the male's anus, which migrates through its intestinal wall to fertilize the eggs. The eggs hatch, then the larvae eat the mother alive from the inside and burst out through her skin.
And women think they have it tough!
1. Humans have larger brains, so they have larger heads. This makes childbirth more painful.
2. We do see this in animals....fucktard.
3. So the bible stating that childbirth is painful means it is 100% true?
...yet your desire shall be for your
husband, and he shall rule over you.
Not all women desire to be together with men
and only a small percentage of women wants to be ruled by their husbands.
Therefore Genesis is inaccurate
Here's a brain teaser for our dear fundies,
According to them, god created us. We were designed with everything in place (the magic flick of his fingers), yet Eve didn't have the need to use the uterus he provided in all his wisdom till after she and her rib-partner took a bite of that little apple and thereby dooming us all.
I think their all knowing god planned the whole thing. He knew Adam was going to be tempted to bite that tasty looking apple after being tempted by that wicked woman.
god is just a big ass if you ask me.
Try to pet a mama cat giving birth and see what happens. I suggest a feral one.
edit: pet one that does not know you. My kitties trust me and I have enough respect to be around but not intrusive when labor begins. They would scratch and bite the crap out of somebody like you.
And there are no snakes in Ireland because St. Patrick scared them all away.
Want to buy a Tiger Whistle?
Bugs have four legs.
You'll believe anything, won't you?
So, was woman's anatomy different before the Fall? If she wasn't going to have pain in childbirth, it must have been, and therefore God must have changed Eve's pelvic structure after she ate the apple. Kind of knocks a hole in that "intelligent design" concept, huh?
Hey kids! Try to find all the logical fallacies that [M]adman exhibits in this post! I'll get you started:
1. Selective evidence
2. Faulty generalization
3. Argument from ignorance ("We see no evidence of...")
4. Non sequitur (Genesis does not claim that animals don't experience pain)
...Hey kids! Try to find all the logical fallacies that [M]adman doesn't exhibit in this post!
"Therefore Genesis is accurate. About everything."
I'm calling POE.
I guess the Bible was right about bats being birds, whales being fish, and the sky being a solid dome, too. Right?
Genesis starts with two accounts of Creation, not one. God creates heaven and earth, trees and mankind then has a rest. He then creates mankind a second time, and re-makes trees for the garden of Eden.
Which Creation is accurate? Are both true?
Well, that was pretty dickish of him. Actually, the reason we have so much more pain in childbirth is because of evolution. Our brains have evolved and grown so much that it's harder to pass heads through the birth canal. The more you know.
Swedish Pagan
It's not that women should give birth an all fours but that horizontal animals can allow a larger pelvis ( that hyenas have a lot of trouble is due to a narrow pelvis, nothings perfect ) Cows, yes, can have issues (I'm a farm kid)and cats and dogs and pigs.
We lost a couple cows to their first birth and the calfs. They often need help.
Childbirths not easy for any mammal. I'm so happy to be a guy
Many women report little discomfort. Not on God's list?
LOL. You're SERIOUSLY trying to tell me that animals have no pain at all passing large offspring (except marsupials) or eggs? You DO NOT know animals. Many animals can be in severe pain, and sometimes the only way you might know is seeing a slight difference in their behavior, which means you have to know their behavior prior to the onset of the pain (excepting the obvious like that from obviously broken limbs and other externally visible wounds). I will grant that some animals do have it somewhat better since their offspring don't have gigantic heads, but they're still passing a rather large (proportionally) bundle through a rather small opening.
But doesn't epidurals disprove your proof?
Anyhoo.. I have heard dogs and cats yelp/yowl in pain. I have heard horses also make noises of pain when foaling.
BTW, a slipped L5 disc hurts worse than giving birth, I speak from experience. So I guess that also disproves your 'proof'.
You do realize that women were giving birth before the bible was written, right? Ever think they came up with that to explain why women had painful childbirths that were already happening?
I don't think you got the big brain.
This is the 21st Century and:
1. we have drugs now, better birthing methods, and doctors,
2. the desires are mutual (same sex or 'opposite sex')
3. this 'ruling' thing doesn't work anymore.
Your god either lied to you or is so badly mistaken about the world as to be irrelevant.
I prefer the more accurate proposition. We humans created gods as explanations for natural phenomena we couldn't, as yet, comprehend.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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