This is the pathetic state of "science" today. Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view. Science is supposed to be empirical and unbiased, but evolution depends absolutely on atheistic materialism, and will not allow anything contrary to that view, because to do so would make their entire house of cards tumble to the floor. Global warming is the same. Many scientists call the elaborate schemes proposed by evolutionists a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories:, and they are indeed that. While the earth indeed warms and cools, we do not know over what timeframe that occurs, what causes it, whether man's activities have any effect, or even if that change would or would not be beneficial. Yet you cannot even speak to a university group, much less occupy a faculty position, unless you subscribe to the liberal dogma. Even if science were the answer to all our problems, the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth.
The search for truth continues. Where 'search for truth' means butt hurt and angry at the lack of respect paid to ones puerile drivel while, at the same time, giving credence to reality. It's not fair.
The only pathetic one here is you, and your peers, who refuse to accept that evolution is proven beyond even unreasonable doubt; it has been observed in laboratories and it has the largest mountain of evidence in its favour of all scientific fields. It's not a house of cards, but a pyramid of granite blocks.
Nothing "natural" on this Earth is intelligently designed. We are barely even Good Enough Designed. If that is all that your pathetic god can do, why should we worship him?
The temperature of the Earth is not evolution, dumbass. Evolution might progress differently BECAUSE OF temperature change, but that is all.
You're not allowed to teach at a university if you don't adhere to the scientific method. That is painfully obvious to everyone with a brain. You are free to have whatever religion or political view you like, as long as you teach science-based science during classes.
The only one-sided pseudo-religion in your post is "intelligent" design.
Holy crap, if you want to see unhinged crazy go over and read that comment section.
"Now the liberals want to redefine abortion to include killing already born babies. This is murder."
"Blacks are the property of liberals and the Democrat Party. They cannot leave the Plantation without permission."
"Many scientists call the elaborate schemes proposed by evolutionists a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories:, "
No scientists call biology a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories. Only creationists do that.
"Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view."
You seem to have skipped over the part where you explain how the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omni-benevolent yet cranky and cruel, invisible creator is likely "from a purely logical point of view.
evolution depends absolutely on atheistic materialism
No more so than gravity. The only difference is that gravity wasn't mentioned in the Bible, while the origin of life was; so Bible-worshipers don't whine about it like they do about evolution.
"the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth."
But a 2,000-year-old collection of "religious Just So Stories" will?
Evolution is NOT merely a false science. It is a Satanic plot by liberals, homosexuals, Islamists, secular Jews, and the Catholic Church to corrupt the morals of American Youth and cause them to turn on us. That way, their puppets in the United Nations have an excuse to invade invade America and destroy it, thus removing the last barrier of true Christian freedom against an encroaching New World Order.
Even if science were the answer to all our problems, the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth.
You have no idea what science is, do you? You have no idea how scientists think or work, or how experiments are conducted, or how evidence is weighed and analyzed.
You think science is held together by faith because religious faith is all you have ever experienced or understood. I feel sorry for you as your world crumbles a little more every day and science continues its march of progress.
"Science flies men to the moon, religion flies men into buildings.” Victor J. Stenger
Just three words completely annihilates your argument, Hadamerde: Kitzmiller versus Dover.
And even after all this time, post-KvD in late 2005? Ah, your tears of butthurt. Cry more. They fuel we Atheists' infinite superiority to your continual living in that river in Egypt over the matter of Evolution vs. Creationism. The latter's (and your fundie educational agenda's) last, best hope - as represented by (un)'Intelligent Design' - utterly destroyed. >:D
Not only can we Atheists say 'We have the fossils. We win ', we have no less than the law on our side, to back up the facts of Evolution; and courts of law will only accept hard, solid, physical evidence, and I'm afraid your 'Word of God's claims are inadmissable as evidence in court.
'Truth' doesn't count for shit here on Planet Reality , I think you'll find. unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view.
The most logical solution isn't necessarily the correct one. Quantum physics wasn't exactly logical when it was discovered, but it's correct, and that's what science cares about.
Even so, how is ID more logical? That requires a creator who takes the time to design millions of species, many of them rather similar to each other even though they live very far apart. These creatures all happen to be rather well-suited for the environment they lived in before industrialization, but not exceedingly well so, and many of them are unable to adapt quickly enough to areas of human interference. There are tons fake bones and other remains within the ground that suggest evolution, but really they're there to...what? Test everyone's faith?
Moving to higher matters, this creator's origin is unexplained. How he can create anything is unexplained. Apparently he chose to create an unfathomably large universe but only populate one planet out of billions and focus all his attention on it. He made the universe appear to be extremely old when it's not. Why would he do even half this stuff, and why is he so bent on leading people astray only to punish them for falling for his tricks? It'd be like a cop playing a practical joke on you by making you think someone had been killed and getting you to confront the "killer" with a gun, only to then arrest you when you shot the fake killer as he was pretending to pull on you.
from a purely logical point of view
I'm sorry, but considering the rest of what you said, you have lost the right to say those words in that particular order.
"Science is supposed to be empirical and unbiased, but evolution depends absolutely on atheistic materialism, and will not allow anything contrary to that view," - This is one of the most nonsensical sentences I've ever read.
1) Speciation, organisms evolving from one species into another species has been directly observed and documented.
2) It's not "global warming." That is a misnomer adopted by opponents of science. It's called "climate change" and has been called that from at least the 1950s. Climate change does not imply the destruction of the planet, the concerns are that nobody knows the to what extent climate change will be detrimental to the human population. And, yes, it can be demonstrated that humans do have a measurable impact on climate change.
"Many scientists ...."
Ah, the sound of weasel words!
Adhemarde, you are so deep inside a delusional bubble that you can't conceive of a system that doesn't operate by the same irrational rules. You have the ideological equivalent of snow blindness.
"Even if science were the answer to all our problems, the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth."
The one-sided pseudo-science promulgated by religious fanatics on the other hand, is the answer to all of our problems!
And on that note, please point out a piece of vague, fortune cookie-esqe Bible verse that predicts or describes silicon wafer technology or get the Hell off that computer!
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
@NonProphet 6/10 equals .6, which when divided by 2, is .3. Two sixes plus one 3 implies pi, which when doubled by 66 equals 666. The Mark of the Beast! Very clever, Agent of Satan, for trying to corrupt me through thinly-veiled numerical structures. It won't work! For the tricks of the Fallen One have no sway over the righteous of a True Christian.
That evolution occurs is proven, by direct observation in living populations. This goes beyond 'intraspecies accomodation', whatever the hell you mean by that phrase. We have in fact observed new species populations arising from pre-existing ancestral ones, in real time, both in controlled laboratory conditions and uncontrolled in the wild. By definition these observed speciation events represent macro--not micro--evolution.
Oop, there's your problem. You're looking for 'truth'. Truth is highly subjective- I can say two things that are completely contradictory (for example, "Adhemarde is trying to understand the world" and "Adhemarde is a complete fucking imbecile"), and they could both be absolute literal truth.
To paraphrase Indiana Jones, science is the search for FACTS. If you want to find 'truth', the philosophy department is down the hall.
I'm sorry, but the Pope and the Catholic Church decries Intelligent Design, AKA Genetically Modified Organisms.
When it happens as adaptation to natural conditions, that is evolution. Which Has Been Proven.
"This is the pathetic state of "science" today. Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view" tl;dr...
(*Puts up hand *)
In that case, isn't the only logical question: who designed the [i]designer[/i]?! ['Watchmaker Fallacy *']
(*Lecture hall erupts into uproarious laughter, as everyone also points at Hadamerde. He slinks out, trying to salvage the last remaining subatomic particles of his credibility & public image. The Political Outcast he & what's left of the Creationist cause is, and always will be *) >:D
*-Even the one who made that watch had to have a mother and father. Ergo, all sentient beings have an origin. No Exceptions.
If only the people who object to the theory of evolution and the evidence of climate change didn't so often have such a reactionary agenda, they might get a fairer hearing. But unfortunately there always seems to be a subtext, and the subtext seems to be some type of religious fundamentalism or ultra-conservative maintaining-of-the-status-quo. Too often critics of the global warming idea turn out to have pockets full of money from fossil fuel companies.
Legitimate criticism of these ideas should be welcome, although the evidence for both of these hypotheses is so strong that there isn't much space to criticise them from.
And it's great you don't 'believe' in evolution, so when you get sick from the new 'non-evolved' super-bug, we can give you the old antibiotics, because, well, they worked fine before. That will allow us to save all the new antibiotics for those that accept evolution.
What do you mean the old antibiotics aren't working? They worked just fine 50 years ago. Too bad.
'Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven"
"purely logical point of view"
Logic is worthless without fact.
"Many scientists call the elaborate schemes proposed by evolutionists a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories:"
The rest I can hardly be bothered with. Most of it comes down to "I don't like it so therefore it isn't science".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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