TheGreatJiraiya #fundie
{RE: The Biblical verse about socialism.}
This is important, so everyone pay attention. It is the difference between what Jesus promoted and what the democrats promote.
That verse doesnt say "And so we should kill our other brothers who have lived longer as a sacrifice so that those who havent lived so long can live a little more". Giving my money is one thing: giving SOMEONE ELSES MONEY is where I draw the line. I wont steal from someone else. Also, if I do want to give everything I have to the poor, it wont be to the government. The government has mishandled almost everything its ever been asked to do, it spends absurd amounts of money on simple projects and takes forever getting anything done. Christian capitalism says "do what you want with your money, but Im using mine to help those around me" and "I want to set up an economic system that will cause people to be happier and more prosperous so there are less people who need my help so that the money I donate can have a greater percentage of impact on the problem". The above verse, is true, but lets not forget that the Bible also says:
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7