Our govt along with atheists and the Amerikan Commies Lawyer Unit (ACLU) are actively working overtime to destroy religion in the United States of America. We have bastardilzed the Bible and taken everything religious (to us) away from out own people. Our current Bush regime is intent on creating a atheist ununited states of north america.
BTW, I haven't "officially" returned to the mainpage comments section. I got the fate seal for this quote, so I figured I might as well make the first post too, and he's just so stupid it made me laugh. So how do I delete that blank post I accidentally put there? The edit link leads to an error message.
Fail! Seriously Fail! George Bush is a Fundie, keep him! He's not ours! He is a conservative, disgustingly so.
He's againt the ACLU, he's against Atheism, his father publicly said that Atheists shouldn't be citizens.
Bush is an atheist now?
Next you'll accuse us of going out to ravage, pillage, plunder, maim, and put big hickies on all the fair damsels!
T Rhys-
Not enough improbable/paranoid banter.
One of the frightening things I've noticed in my short time on the planet is that "smart" people tend to find the same things objectionable. On both sides of the isle, people will complain about things that are going on, and echo each other with the very important exception that they blame the other side. What the left sees as fundamentalist conservative hangups getting in the way of progress, the right sees as over-protective touchy-feely bleeding-heart fear for the children that's getting in the way of progress.
Maybe I'm trying to apply a "trend" that's not really present here?
We have bastardized the Bible and taken everything religious (to us) away from out own people.
I must have missed something. Have they stopped selling different versions of the Bible? Have they outlawed churches and interfered with worship? What is all this "everything religious" that's been taken away from us?
WTF? The most fundie-loving, right-wing religious ass-lick Presidunce in history, is going to bring about an atheist USA? Well come to think of it maybe, because by bringing idiots like you to the forefront of US policy making he has fucked up so royally and reinforced the doctrine of seperation of church and state in everyone's mind.
This reminds me of then Sunni muslims makes suicide bombings against Shi'a mosques. I mean Bush constantly talks about Jesus, but AFRet91 still thinks Bush is an enemy of Christianity, the Shi'a mosques are houses of god, but some Sunni still thinks god wants them to blow them up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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