I just had a great idea! Why don't we all put up our Christmas decorations early. Use as many things that is banned or to be banned in the near future. If we are Raptured before Christmas, then they won't have anyone to arrest!!! hahahaha
Your logic is flawless. Because of course if you do something illegal, they wait a month and a half to arrest you.
Overlooking the obvious, that is, that NOBODY wants to ban private decorations. Thanks, once again, for reminding us that the difference between us is that you ban everything unfamiliar, odd, or disagreeable, while we just want people to leave each other the fuck alone.
Use as many things that is banned or to be banned in the near future.
That would be a short list, since nothing is banned except things that are obscene, dangerous or disturb the peace (e.g., loud musical displays).
When Fundies Go Wild.
Now on Betamax.
You're planning on decorating your house with unregistered submachine guns and snuff porn?
Wow...I could only read the first three pages or so of that thread, and, so far, nobody has noticed that the "ban" is on city-sponsored government property, not private homes.
Given that Christmas decorations start to go up in August (fucking AUGUST!) you're about four months too late to start putting them up early.
And no-one's going to arrest you for Christmas decorations unless they break the law. And no, having Christian imagery on it is not breaking the law, so put down the P-word right now.
"decided that not receiving a special privilege themselves is the same thing as being arrested"
it shouldn't be a special privilege. I agree with the posters to the extent that Christmas trees should be up during winter holidays. so should menorahs and kinaras. celebrate everyone instead of celebrating no one. the reason this guy is an idiotic fundie is that a) he's discussing without reading the article and b) he thinks he'll be raptured before Christmas. it's not that he wants red and green lights up.
You're way too fucking late to have them up early, some of the stores in this area have had Christmas stuff up for weeks now.PS The only thing banned is common sense and reading ability, and it's a self-banishment by you stupid fundies.
You know, this battle over Christmas is the fucking stupidest thing ever. I like Christmas, I like Christmas decorations, and if people wish me a Merry Christmas, I'm happy for the sentiment even though the guy who wasn't born on that day didn't save my soul.
It would be as biblical to call that site "Rupture Ready", and a damned sight more accurate.
When will you stupid, mindless, retarded sheep get it into those ever so dense skulls that there is NO, repeat, NO biblical authority for any sort of "rapture"?
You can thank Mr Danby and especially Mr Schofield, both of whom claimed to be prophets, by the way, of that particular bit of false doctrine.
Beware false prophets...
I think it'll be hilarious when all these RR freaks put up Christmas decorations, expecting it to lead to some righteous holy war with their municipal governments, only to discover that nothing happens.
If you leave your Christmas decorations up all year, you might be a redneck.
- Jeff Foxworthy
You know she's going to put up loud, obnoxious decorations that keep the neighbors up at night. Then when people complain, she will scream "persecution!"
I'm actually in favor of this one... cocaine on the window panes, sprigs of skunk over the mantelpiece, crack candy canes and hash gingerbread men on the tree. Everyone is getting xmas cards showing photos of the Wise Men in flagrante with their camels this year.
I can hardly wait. Lets start NOW...
see my comment to patnmel97!
Also, JenGC! Nobody is going to arrest you for having bad taste and being an aweful decorator!
Live in Iran, do you?
OK, you do that -- and meanwhile, I'm gonna make a gigantic star of David, and hang it in a public place -- how do you like that, eh?
OMG Jen! That's a super terrific idea! That would be so funny!!! You could decorate using... uh... what's banned again?? Well, whatever... and it would like totally freak out the neighbors and the police would be all like "you're under arrest" and you'd be all like not there!! LOL!! And you and Jesus could be all like pointing and laughing hilariously from the cloud you end up on. Freakin' hilarious!!!!!!
I love these Revenge-Fantasy-For-Jesus posts.
“I just had a great idea! Why don't we all put up our Christmas decorations early.”
Go for it.
“Use as many things that is banned or to be banned in the near future.”
Oh, no! Pagan celebrations EVERYWHERE!
Xmas trees, not biblical.
Xmas wreaths, less so.
Yule Logs, santa clause, all that crap is pagan. Good choice.
“If we are Raptured before Christmas, then they won't have anyone to arrest!!! hahahaha”
Yeah, that’s the defense you want. “I didn’t think i’d still be in your jurisdiction…”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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