[The OP asks why atheism is not considered a religion.]
They are a group of people with a certain set of beliefs. The very definition of religion itself. So why should they get their way with what is politically correct and what's not?
They say they get offended by people who believe in God even mentioning his name. If they really dont believe in God why are they so worried about him?
I'm not worried at all about God because I know it does not exist.
Disbelief is very different from religious belief. While atheism concerns itself with the same questions religions do, it is not the same thing as a religion.
I don't get offended by your kind, only annoyed. There's a difference.
No, it's just one belief. Or more acuretly, a lack of belief. Any other belief an atheist has is their own and is not a representative of another atheist. You theists have to understand, we're not as united as you think.
We have a set of beliefs?
And, Pilgrim, no one is offended by your beliefs or your mention of god. Many of us get a tad truculent, however, when we are personally assaulted by the beliefs and the mentions. We do you as you do us. Capice?
We are worried about him.
You guys kick up such a fuss and make so much noise that you haven't noticed he hasn't been around lately.
He may be out sick or worse.
Aren't you worried?
If they really dont believe in God why are they so worried about him?
If you don't believe Mohamed was a prophet, does that mean you don't have to worry about nutcake Islamists trying to blow up buildings?
"They are a group of people with a certain set of beliefs. The very definition of religion itself."
Uh, no. A religion has to have a bit more than that. A religion should contain beliefs about life's purpose and origin. It should have a set of moral guidelines. It should have agreed upon rituals, etc. Atheism only has a lack of any of these. You can't say that makes it a religion. Otherwise, you could also consider the group people who believe that diet Dr Pepper really does taste more like regular Dr Pepper to be a religion.
Hey, FlyGuy: wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
We're not. It's fanatical nuts like you that annoy us.
If you don't want us mocking you...Then don't threaten us with judgement day.
I'm not worried about a him that doesn't exist. I'm worried about you. Because I can be reasonably sure you exist, I have an idea what you believe, and I know what you plan to do based on what you believe.
@Sacharissa: People who think Diet Dr Pepper tastes like real Dr Pepper are heretics. They must burn!
"If they really dont believe in God why are they so worried about him?"
Because the people who DO believe in God are trying to pass SECULAR laws that make it illegal not to believe the same things they do.
Atheists are not worried about gods any more than they're worried about Martians. But fundamentalist religions have a long and ugly history of violence which worries us a great deal.
God isn't real. His followers are. And some of them are crazy.
Atheism is a belief system in the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby.
Why are some religious people so worried about what atheists think about their god? Do they think we have some power over whether the god exists? Like Tinkerbell dying, I Do believe in fairies, I DO believe in fairies ...
I'm not worried about God. I'm worried about the people who are trying to destroy science, reason, and everybody and everything that they disagree with in the name of God.
I don't get "offended" by people who believe in God. I get offended by people who believe in God and insist on telling me that I'm evil and deserve to burn in hell because I don't believe in God. If religious people leave me alone and don't try to force their beliefs into politics and science classrooms then I really don't care what they believe. You can believe that the universe is really a giant muffin for all I care. Just don't tell me I'm evil, useless, and deserve to suffer unending torment because i don't agree.
I don't get offended by people saying "god". I get offended by people saying, "You're in rebellion against god! You chose not to believe in him, and now you don't want to start believing because you like living in sin!"
"They are a group of people with a certain set of beliefs"
By this defintion, political ideologies are also religions. Being as they are not, I vote you're wrong.
"a certain set of beliefs. The very definition of religion itself."
No it isn't. It's getting to be dead common for you idiots to call everything a religion with some of you completely dishonest bitches even suggesting everything is BUT your relationship with Christ.
I'd say keep saying it till you convince yourself except for the fact that's actually happening. So I'll say this again: Your religion gives you no right to change the meaning of words in attempts to subvert constitutional laws, this is the ONLY reason you fools call Secularism, the theory of Evolution and Atheism religions. You can't defend that definition but you obviously can bastardize the word to your flock.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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