Islam is a religion of bondage and heathendom...
I am a blogger of B.S. and dumbassery...
although Muslim women are unquestionably far more respectable, modest and concerned about morality than their average American counterpart slut...
although real men unlike me are unquestionably far more respectable, modest and concerned about decency than my troglodyte, kid-fiddlin' butt...
American women are a disgrace to the United Statesa bunch of lewd, rude and crude sluts and whores full of raging anger, entitlement and are baby-murderers!
I am a disgrace to the United States, Guam, Earth & maleness a lewd, rude and crude bigot and boor full of raging anger, entitlement who's kid-raper!
Most divorces are filed by women, who are spoiled little brats, taught to quit by their own mothers, pampered by their foolish fathers.
Most divorces are filed by women, who are likely dumping slugs like me, who's head is full of scat & chowder and wears "Pampers" because he's a psychopathic nutter.
If the shoe fits wear it!
My shoes stink, are encrusted with Cheeto dust & basement mold & date back to the Reagan administration!
Americans get what they deserve!
Me moving to Guam!
Now I'm starting to preach.
Then what the heck was I doing with this eyesore of a website for years now?
I'm so sick of this backwards idiotic society in America
I yearn for a backwards, idiotic society of America
where we ban God from our classrooms and then freak out when our society's children grow up to be selfish, out of control, monsters. Duh!
where bozos like me ban good education from our classrooms and then high-five when our society's children grow up to be selfish, out of control, monsters. YEAH!