W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
There are also pretty wide differences in style, and disagreements on certain of the finer points. I, for example, don’t believe that “progressivism” has always been equalist, at least in regards to race, or that race is even so central to contemporary politics as it appears. Instead, I think it serves as a foil; a sort of tool for expiating guilt and shifting blame onto the less fortunate. My evidence for this is that the whiter and more affluent any given region is, the more politically correct it is outwardly. The same holds throughout just about any segment of society. Is a religion comprised mainly of rich white people (e.g. Episcopalianism)? Then it will surely be extremely liberal and politically correct, filled only with the beautiful people. Are most adherents simple, salt-of-the-earth commoners (Evangelicals)? Vile rednecks and bigots the lot of them! In fact, I think the move away from racial politics toward sexual politics reflects the imminent failure of the black/white polarization of the US that began with the Civil Rights era, and apparently the Southern Poverty Law Center Agrees with me — the organization has shifted toward LGBT rights even as it scales down its traditionally black-oriented legal program. Trayvon Martin and Paula Deen notwithstanding, the bulk of the American people are getting tired of racial politics. Racial diversity, it seems, has become mundane in its triumph.
What I see separating those of us associated with the Dark Enlightenment from the establishment is, above all, class. We are representative of the middle class, which has been under assault for almost fifty years in the US. We, despite some individual success stories, are the losers in the growing inequality of the US. Our status is much reduced, the “aristocracy” more dominant than ever. The war against the American yeomanry, waged with what Sam Francis called “anarcho-tyranny,” has been a smashing victory. The outward values of the aristocracy, whether “racial equality,” “gender equality,” or even the equality of gay and straight sex, are merely self-serving tools, and would quickly be dropped if they had no use. I have discovered that, in holding views that run contrary to human nature (yes, preference for one’s own kind is a perfectly normal human instinct), they set up a strawman that deflects attention from themselves and their naked self-aggrandizement at our expense. What better way to loot the country without resistance than to incite the people by holding up, say, sodomy as an example for their children, and have them expend all their energy fighting this manufactured outrage?