Thanks for insulting me, I can now rate u among the LOW IQ human society. Also U dont believe god exists what a shame really. U know keep doing what u are doing and I will keeping doing what i'm doing, but we shall see who is right in the end. Stop insulting ppl's intelligence saying u evolved from something like an APE. That's a shame that someone still believes such things.
Also I don't think someone who doesn't understand religion fully can judge it, I dont know evolution well and I might read more about it but it wont make me change my believes. Because my belief in god is not because someone said something or some book said somethings.
U know even god who is perfect is hated by some ppl, I dont expect to do better
peace, also read my post again
Make sure u study Islam (shia sect) and then see if it makes sense or not. If u get me facts that u think are wrong from that sect I can explain them all to you hopefully.
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