Now I answered your question, here is one for you:
How did Moses know that by dividing a constant existence into seven equal parts (days) that it would accurately split the earth's revolution around the sun and keep the seasons in order for the next 6,000 years?
I'll help you out; it wasn't by the sun because the sun doesn't rise and set at the same time each day, week, year.
What was his measuring rod? I contend that the one who CREATED the earth gave Moses the information which is what Moses claimed. So how do YOU say Moses divided existence into 7-day weeks? After all, ALL astronomy emanates from that INITIAL fact. without it you CAN'T study stars and thus the universe.
"[How old is the Earth again Cory?] I BELIEVE that it is roughly 6,000 years. How old are you WD?
What does that have to do with the question?
You believe THEORIES of creation. No single scientist will tell you ANYTHING about the origins of earth beyond the fact that they have THEORIZED...
That's because we don't have a time machine to actually see it, but it is derived from what we see from other planetary disks and inferred evidence on earth.
Even carbon-dating machines are based upon THEORIES about the dates of artifacts. No science will tell you any FACTS about the origins of earth or the age of the earth.
Over-generalization. You lose.
Now I answered your question, here is one for you: How did Moses know that by dividing a constant existence into seven equal parts (days) that it would accurately split the earth's revolution around the sun and keep the seasons in order for the next 6,000 years?
I'll help you out; it wasn't by the sun because the sun doesn't rise and set at the same time each day, week, year. What was his measuring rod? I contend that the one who CREATED the earth gave Moses the information which is what Moses claimed.
But your assumption falls apart as there is no evidence for a moses other than the bible.
So how do YOU say Moses divided existence into 7-day weeks? After all, ALL astronomy emanates from that INITIAL fact. without it you CAN'T study stars and thus the universe."
Stop making stuff up and go look at .
Not only does dividing the year into weeks not divide the year exactly, but the length of a year changes over time and we have all kinds of corrections for it not being completely accurate (That's why we have leap years every four, but skip a leap year every 400).
To be honest I didn't know why there are 7 days in a week so I did a little bit of internet research (Wikipedia) and a couple of Google searches.
The 7 day week actually comes from Ancient Babylon - being based on the seven major objects visible to the naked eye (Sun, Moon and five planets).
Did you know the Mayan week had 13 days and their astronomy was one of the most advanced? I didn' I'm glad I can learn new things every day.
Do you think he knows where most of the names for the days of the weeks come from? What with most of them being Pagan or Roman in origin.
The seasons weren't kept in order until the development of the leap year; and even then, a further adjustment had to be made which resulted in days being deleted from the calendar to resynchronize the calendar with the seasons. That's why Eastern Orthodox have a different Christmas than western Christians - they declined to make the adjustment to the church calendar.
The year doesn't divide into an even number of seven-day weeks, nor does the year evenly divide into 24 hour days, so accurately dividing the year into days or weeks is mathematically impossible even for God, unless He synchonizes the rotation and orbit of the planet. One plausible-sounding theory is that seven days is just roughly 1/4 of a lunar month, but no one really knows - the practice seems to predate recorded history.
So if God made the week, why didn't the older civilizations use it consistently? The Egyptians only developed their calendar haphazardly, and even then their seasons kept slipping -- the star Sirius made a complete rotation around the calendar every 1,460 years (apparently).
Oh, and as that Wiki article also states, Medieval astronomers used the Egyptian calendar and its 10-day week because it was mathematically accurate. So there. Thbpfft!
Okay, since when is Moses credited with discovering the 7-day week? Why do you assume that other planets, which revolve at different speeds, still operate on a 7-day week? And why are you asking me how I think Moses divided existence into 7-day weeks, when I think you're just another ignorant fundie with no grasp of 6th Grade science?
Completely missing the point that a year is actually 365 days and about 6 hours or so long. Which is why every 4 years we have to add a day to February to avoid the seasons drifitng a day. If we didn't do this, and the speed of the Earth around the sun were an absolute constant (which of course it isn't, owing to those pesky laws of physics), over the last 6000 years, the seasons would have wrapped around the year more than 4 times so far,
And, by the way, according to the Bible, Moses lived about 4000 years ago, not 6000. And the length of a year is easily measured by observing the equinoxes, primitive cultures have done this long before the first Jews even existed in the Middle East.
Yeah, cause those wacky seasons were just all over the place before Moses came along and imposed a 7 day week to keep them orderly. It must've been tough, spring planting for two weeks, three days of winter, then a month of scorching summer, another week of winter, then fall, and spring again... man, how did they keep up with the seasonal fashions at Macy's back then?
Thank goodness Moses whipped those seasons into shape and forced them into orderly procession. (Though why he didn't just plain get rid of winter I don't know.)
rlrr beat me in.
I was going to add this though - In Jesus day they had 10 months of 29½ days each which they brought up to 12 but February still had to be a lot longer every second year, years were counted in the reign of ther Emporer and it was a collosal balls up, especially with paying the army. It took Gregorian monks another thousand years to come up with something remotely recognisable today.
Yet another clueless dork with no idea about reality and less still of history.
people, the fundie is not refering to a seven day week, but to the bible quote that a thousand years is like a day to god. then the fundie assumes that about 6000 years passed since creation, and that god will start the "1000-year end times" soon for the "seventh day."
of course it is easy to disprove creation started 6000 years ago and the other bronze-age myths being forced upon us as fact.
You guys are funny. As if I am the first person to have an error in reasoning. You guys should compile your thoughts and ideas openly as I have and see how many contradictions and errors you find. You might be surprised depending on how arrogant you are. Funny, only one person here took the time to note that I acknowledged the error of my reasoning openly.
Let's see how many of you do the same here.
Anyway, we live in a country where non-fundies won't admit that it is a contradiction of thought to call the same act with two different "reasons" abortion and murder. So, hey; I made an error on a message board, spoke to an Atheist about it and admitted that what I was saying made absolutely no sense... Oh how "fundie" of me (said sarcastically). I wonder how many of you discuss, not preach, discuss your opinions with people like me and LISTEN to hear what the opposition has to say in response WITH THE INTENT TO concede if your comments are insane.
Like, oh yeah, the expanding universe has existed for more than a few thousand years without traveling a greater distance. Hmmm...
Ironic is how you put so much faith in science which, since the Renaissance, has CONSTANTLY contradicted itself. Remember Dr. Charles Drew. He CONTRADICTED the belief that white people have different blood from black people. Hmmm... But I guess the law of non-contradiction ONLY applies to us fundies. Ironic, the Bible has said from the beginning that humans are all the same regardless of nationality, race, age, or class. Hmmm... Science is now pushing to say the only difference between the sexes is genitalia, while at the same time trying to say that homosexuality is a biological/genetic issue. Wow! Can't wait to see how this scientific contradiction plays out.
It's all good though; nobody's saying science is all bad though. I am simply stating that science takes little discoveries and makes HUGE faux-factual statements on that basis. And just like millions of others have scientific theories based on the available body of work science have produced, my theory is that science when completed will simply point to the way in which God keeps the universe in order. Just like the “THEORY” (scientific guess awaiting factual evidence) of evolution that many of you believe as if it were fact, this is the “THEORY” I believe.
Face it, science is in the middle of the road, and as we continue to learn about this physical world; we will see that science’s views on religion were ill-informed.
By the way, do you realize that by definition NOTHING can be said about God via science? It cannot prove or disprove God’s existence seeing that Science ONLY studies the physical world. It is ironic then that scientists would try to use the study of the physical world in order to disprove His existence. Funny, especially since biology seeks to disprove creationism. NOW THAT’S FUNNY!!!
The only thing that science can say about God is that the study of deity is outside of the scope of what science studies, and thus science and scientists cannot make a scientific statement about God.
God bless you guys, I ain't mad. A brother knows when he makes an ignorant statement, and my statement regarding the seven-day week was just that... Ignorant. I’m just glad I am open enough to realize and point out my errors.
You can find out all you need to know about me at and
So now you can stop the prejudice (pre-judgments) about me that have been exhibited here. Here's my closing statement: Get to know me before you judge me, get to know God before you judge God.
The world will continue to go through seasonal changes and the planets will orbit their stars exactly the same no matter how many days we have in a week. A week is an arbitrary social collection of days, which corresponds to exactly ZERO natural functions of the cosmos. And I am all the dumber for having read this post.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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