(*Usual 'Turn or Burn' bullshit/psychological blackmail so beloved of right-wing fundies, whenever what they say won't be listened to*)
Yeah, yeah, change the track on the CD already. Heard it 963 trillion times before; bought the book, T-shirt & Blu-Ray.
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"The Rapture is close, very close. Maranatha."
'Apparently, the Rapture is imminent*.'
-Stephen Fry, "QI"
(Yes, ladies and germs of FSTDT, Ruptured Retards has had the piss ripped out of it in front of millions of British TV viewers! >:D )
The (C)Rapture? Ain't. Gonna. Happen. Moronasshat II.
"Anon-e-cuss-words-are-the love-of-my-life-moose."
(*Switches to Doug Piranha mode*)
'Cuss Words'?! Oh, how precious, how Puritanical Midwest/Bible Belt attitudes?!
Fuck! Cunt! Bollocks! Arse! Twat! Knackers! Bell-End! Glans! Tits! Shite! X3
It's a harsh world out there, beyond your own sweet, safe, twee, anodyne, sterile little comfort zone/dimension called 'America, Fuck Yeah!'. Differing attitudes, different ways of thinking that you might not necessarily approve of. So we're not as Puritanical in my country, the UK, as you lot who still think it's the 1950s.
Deal. With. It. And you can start by removing that broomhandle out of your arse... oh sorry, I mean '@$$', if you think I'm being too harsh for your fragile sensibilities! [/hyper-sarcasm]
Someone who's never had a broomhandle up there in the first place, is this cool dude, Shams Hagan (r):
In an episode of the TV series "Outrageous Food", where presenter Tom Pizzica (l) visited Mr. Hagan's Brooklyn restaurant 'ChipShop'; it's interior decor reflects his own Anglophile tastes, with lots of British posters, road signs etc on the walls (his speciality being traditional British Fish & Chips, but he's adventurous; deep-fried Haggis - and Mars Bars, continuing the Scottish Glaswegian 'stereotype'. He also deep-fries anything his customers bring, as a challenge to his frying skills).
And as you can see, Shams has gotten Crap Past The Radar, with the slogan on his T-shirt. Hey, it's not we Brits' fault, if 99.99% of Americans have no concept of the swear word/expletive 'Bollocks'! >:D