So the rednecks that lynched black people way back in the day were also for nuclear power, tax cuts, social security reform, etc? It appears to me that you are playing the race card here, guy. Back in the day, the majority of the racists were Democrats, as a greater majority of Democrats in Congress voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The only former KKK member in Congress is Robert Sheets Byrd, a prominent Democrat senator that has been praised by Kerry and other leftwing Democrats for his liberalism. To associate conservatism with the lynching of blacks is a smear and a transparent attempt to race-bait.
The racists that lynched black people find them and other liberals claim that fetuses are sub-human. Slave owners use to use private property rights to say they had the right to enslave other people, and abortionists use "women's rights" to say that they have the right to end the life of unborn children. In both cases, you have people asserting a right to do something that denies a true right, the right to be free and the right to life.
Freedom. :)
Black people however, are clearly people, whereas embryos are cells.
Fetuses still concern m.e
Close but no cigar. When Johnson (D) signed the Civil Rights Act of '64, he said right then and there that he had lost the south for at least a generation. Sure enough, every election since then, the south has gone to the Republicans, with assholes like Trent Lott as key evidence.
And dumbass? Women's rights are real. Human beings own their own bodies, and no government has the right to donate another's body as an incubator against their will.
There are people, real people, not fetuses, who could use your organs right now. People waiting for kidneys and dying. Does that mean I should offer your body for them? Or are women the only ones without rights?
Fuck you and your slavery comparisons. You've got it backwards.
Rush Limbaugh's dick maggot takes the round peg of race relations in one hand, the square hole of abortion in the other, and starts slamming them together. Those sparks you see being produced are pure fail in energy form.
Being from the South and from a long line of racist Democrats, I think I can say from experience that Democrat back in the days when the KKK was very prominent is not the same as Democrat in the present day. There was a shift in views a few decades ago where Democrats went from being conservative to more liberal and vice versa. I can assure you that my grandmother and grandfather on my dad's side of the family were Democrats and would not have been had the Democratic platform been anything but conservative.
Pick mah cotton, fetus! Put yo' back in to, you good-fo-nothin' gastrula!
Then build me a nuk'lah powah plant when you get done!
Yeah, and there used to be a nickname for those sorts of Democrats... Dixiecrats, as in, south of the Mason-Dixon line. In other words, they were only Democrats to appease their constituency. In all other ways they were as conservative as the current Republican party.
Speaking of, whatever happened to the Republicans of yesterday? You know, the ones with a conservative economic leaning that were pro-small government? You don't see that side of the party around much anymore since Reagan, in a fit of addled-mindedness, handed the reigns over to the religious wackaloons.
I find it scary that people like this guy believe everything that comes out of the mouths and pens of Coulter and Limbaugh.
Oh, and in 1964, Democrats weren't necessarily liberal. That is all.
Edit; and Aethernaut, "wackaloon" is one of the best words ever.
Gee and you, a MALE, want to deny a true right to females that you do not need and will never use.PS For any idiot to claim that a Republican party which was the home to Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond has not been racist is absurd and insulting. You know you are stupid enough and lie enough that you might be a dildohead that flush dimbulb sent .
The Dems you're talking about were Southern Segregationists, "DixieCrats." We had a little thing called a cultural revolution in the 1960s when the younger liberals took more control of the Democrat apparatus and it's progressed leftward ever since. The Republicans missed that--contemporary Repubs are simply old-style Democrats, because their "conservatism" is actually johnny-come-lately, dragged kicking and screaming into modern times liberalism.
It's sad and foolish, and so is the master you take your name and marching orders from. You would be unreconstructed barbarians without liberals. Liberals have done every social good this country (USA) has ever seen--emancipation, protection of the weak and poor from the abuses of the rich, suffrage, civil rights, desegregation, the list goes ON AND ON--and these ideas saved this country in the Depression and liberated the world during WWI and WWII.
Don't bring that weak bullshit here and think it will fly.
not a religious fundy, no(at least nothing in this quote - though see his other crappings). But like all Dittoheads, he is terminally misinformed about nearly everything. 'Course, that's the only way a Rethug can win an election - an un-(or mis-)informed electorate, hopped up on fear and race-baiting. They don't have anything worth buying, so they scare you so much that you stop thinking.
I guess that makes Republicans terrorists of a sort - using fear to control the populace.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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