“You know, these comments may seem funny, light-hearted, and maybe even cute by some(I find them thouroughly distasteful and disgusting)”
You would be AMAZED at how little i consider your demographic when I make an effort to appeal to my readers.
"but our Lord and Savior DEMANDS respect,”
Does he? He’s the one that invented farts, right? And buck teeth?
Sounds like God has a sense of humor. YOU FUCKS demand he be respected, but that’s just you being unfun assholes.
"and rest-assured,”
Why in the name of fuck did you hypenate that?”
"if you cannot give it to Him on this earth, He will demand it of you when you pass.”
Yeah, yeah, listen to me about my loving god or be tortured forever.
“Yeah, you may just be "playing around" but do you really want to be "playing around" with the very Creator that BREATHED LIFE into you?”
My kids mess with me ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I dropped something once, grabbed it, like, five timesand JUST managed to keep it off the floor, then finally caught it safelly. They nodded. “And the only white man in the house shows us his dancing style.” Fuckers.
But if there’s no humor in a relationship, it’s just a burden.
"I would find it too big a risk to take, and I highly doubt your Creator is amused.”
But you’re an asshole. MY creator’s a fun gal.