Prop 22 here in CA was passed overwhelmingly by voters! The people and the legislature make the laws, judges and courts enforce the laws not legislate from the bench. There was nothing unconstitutional about the proposition and certainly not by the fact that the people, voters approved it and made it LAW! These activist pukes in robes have been twisted by libs to do their bidding! This is how we, law abiding citizens lose our civil liberties and rights because the democrats need to create special privileges for such a small segment of society that it infringes on the rest of society! It seems to me this will only stop when the people take matters into their hands and literally clean house for good and get these dems and activists out! This is how communists gained power in countries..and isn't it a coincidence that dems and commies don't think law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves from deviants?
This is the exact opposite of judicial activism. Regardless of their personal preference, the judges in question interpreted the California constitution the only way that the California constitution could rightly be interpreted.
The solution to which, if you're so convinced you're right and in the majority, is to get an amendment passed. Oddly enough, people have already tried this in California and so far it hasn't worked. So maybe you are not in fact in the majority and the court in this case was just enacting the will of the majority.
"Judicial activism" is not just another name for "judges deciding in ways we don't like."
-The ban was unconstitutional.
-They're not special privileges. They're privileges everyone has.
-The privileges in question don't infringe on "the rest of society".
-What exactly do you need protecting from? Do you feel like you're going to be forced into a shotgun gay marriage? Or maybe it'll be more of a date rape type scenario? Seriously, dude. Grow up. We know you think it's icky; get over it.
Just because people vote for it does not make it constitutional. Democrats try to get EQUAL privileges for small segments of society, even if it infringes on the rights of the rest of society in a negligible fashion by assuring such protections. You would think that Christians would view such an action as noble, trying to fight for those that cannot fight for themselves. Of course, since they do not need to be defended themselves, they don't care.
Law abiding citizens don't have the super-powers or hi-tech armor to protect themselves from Deviants. I'd say stop worrying about it Charley, and just let somebody like the Avengers or Spider-Man handle it. Or better yet, just leave it to the Eternals, who've been fighting them for a million years or so.
On the contrary, charley. We would much rather have no special privileges for any "segment of society." Now, if you're willing to give up the privileges that you as a Christian enjoy in this country, we'll see what we can do.
That's it. Fuck this shit. I'm finding a way to propel myself back in time so I slug the person or persons who first coined the phrases, "legislating from the bench" and "judicial activism."
I'm tired of being your fucking whipping boy, you heartless fucks.
"This is how we, law abiding citizens lose our civil liberties and rights"
What rights, specifically, are you losing?
How does the increase of homosexual rights, impeach on yours... Apart from your "right" to beat up "the gays".
As for "the commies". If it were not for them, you probably would not have weekends, holidays, paid leave and indeed your job is about as stable as a glass bridge while your children are not going to school and indeed being forced to work down mines...
Oh wait!
So what this asshole is saying is that his "constitutional" right to discrminate and deny Constitutional rights to others has been denied. He really needs to read the Constitution (both Calilfornia and US). Just because the majority doesn't like something, they have no right to oppress the minority. The judges are right.
Charley, I say this in the kindest possible way, please go drink the grape kool-aid.
I think what pisses xians off the most about gay marriage is that it's two people who love each other getting married. They're really against love of any kind.
1) 6 of the 7 California Supreme Court Justices were appointed by Republican governors (there goes your conspiracy theory about the Democratic Party)
2) Even though we generally rule by the "will of the majority," both the California and US Constitutions contain provisions to prevent the minority from being completely suppressed by the majority (i.e. equal rights for ALL)
3) The constitutional amendment slated to be on the ballot in November seeks to add your bigotry to the state constitution and re-enforce your special privileges
4) Fuck you asshole. Those "deviants" include members of my family and they want nothing more than to be treated with respect and dignity like any other human being. They want their government to stop telling them that they are worthless as citizens than a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, bigoted, superstitious fucktards.
Despite what has been done (by a presumably conservative government) to freedom in the name of anti-terrorism (warrantless wire-taps, imprisonment without trial, secret courts, etc.), you're actually complaining that LIBERALS have taken your rights away because judges struck down a law that violates the 14th Amendment?'re out of your fucking mind.
While reading this heap of bile, I neared the end and realized what a truly ridiculous rant this is. Honestly...communists?! Who the heck cares about communism nowadays, save North Korea, China, and Cuba? Communists aren't the bogeymen anymore, update yourself on your standard villains. Besides, your statement is rather ironic, too, given that Americans suspected of communism were treated as "deviants" during the McCarthy period. Stop whining already.
Actually, you've technically gained rights. See, now you could marry a guy if you wanted to, and have the same rights as if you married a woman. Though you don't have to, of course, but you haven't lost a damn thing.
Except your mind, though I'm sure that's neither recent nor related to this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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