Versimilitude #fundie

There are unconfirmed reports that this time, Israel is willing to cede The Temple Mount outright to those who call themselves palestinians. The glaring fact that Israel has turned over the Mount exclusively to muslims until August 11th shows their mindset. They do not value this place, bought and paid for by King David, (2 Samuel 24:24-25), as their own. Quite frankly, they are placing their hope and faith on Obama and Kerry and forgetting The Lord. Prophecy states that the tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble, starts because "they divided the land". In my mind I cannot help but think of the times Israel has given up land for a peace which never materializes. They never trust on The Lord, they trust that the palestinians aren't lying and they are always disappointed.

I have the following theory, this time Israel goes all the way and gives up The Temple Mount. This makes God angry enough to release His wrath. The time of Jacob's trouble starts. As for America, because it has been pushing Israel to negotiate with the palestinians since the first President Bush, and because thanks to Obama and Kerry, Israel surrenders The True and Living God's Holy Mountain, God punishes the US severely. Yellowstone, the supervolcano, blows its top. This is so violent that it sets off the New Madrid fault line, the San Andreas fault line and a number of lesser known fault lines. America is literally left in shambles.

Whether or not its going to come down like this only time will tell. The fact that Israel itself prevents Israeli's from praying on the Temple Mount coupled with the news that for the next few days, Israel is allowing only muslims on The Temple Mount tells me Israel does not esteem this Holy place as it should. At this point, it is no longer an unimaginable thought that Israel would give up the site where The Temple to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob once stood.



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