Dr. Ben Carson has sold his soul to the devil. IF he really is who he says he is, he wouldn’t have.
You people need to understand – until we honor the Creator who made this country so great, we will not recover from the despot already in the WH and Mr. Trump is simply a GOP version of him.
Is it lost on these folks that if we had a tyrant/despot/dictator in the White House they wouldn't be allowed to rave like this?
What America's fundies need is a good six month stretch in an actual oppressive environment. Being asked to shut up isn't the same as having your head cut off, but they can't tell the difference.
Christians and Atheists alike (along with their Muslim countrymen) are being slaughtered out there, while they whine constantly about society not conforming to their fairy tales.
Carson? The guy who thinks the pyramids were built by a biblical character sold his soul to the devil?
I do, though, find it hilarious that even a lot of right-wing nutjobs like this don't like Trump.
Carson is an opportunist who isn’t savvy enough to keep his trap shut about deals made behind closed doors. The only thing he achieved is that he won’t be remembered as an excellent neuro-surgeon but as the idiot who thinks the pyramids were made to store grain.
I read something recently, don’t remember where: American right-wingers are the only people on the planet who give press conferences about how they don’t have free speech
"the despot already in the WH"
You do know that "despot" does not mean "person I don't agree with", right?
"Despot" Obama would be ruling over a country with universal healthcare, no guns, no shutdowns, no congress, no Gitmo prison, and sure as hell no republicans (or democrats) running for president.
Dr. Narcolepsy is/was nothing more than a useful idiot; he was meant to play the role of the "token black republican" as a lame & transparent attempt by the GOTP to try to prove how they're not racists. It didn't work; not this time & not next time.
Anyone who uses the phrase "you people" while trying to make a serious argument is not worth responding to. She just sounds like a jerk arguing about her data plan, with some overworked call center guy in Bangalore.
Shut the fuck up Grace.
They're not even being told to shut up. They can whine on. I prefer that, for entertainment purposes. The only thing is they're no longer allowed to act like little brats and make and break as they please, no matter the cost. And so they're whining more than ever.
"Dr. Ben Carson has sold his soul to the devil."
Usually, in the fairy tales, when someone does that, they get more in return than being made a laughing stock.
Devil: So what do you want for your soul?
Carson: I want to be President of the United States.
Devil: Now hold on Pilgrim! For that soul, I think I can give you about 20 clean dress shirts and this case of Billy Beer.
Carson: Oh. OK.
Devil: Done. Negotiation isn't your strong suit, is it?
I shall drink deep of your tears of FAIL, should either (check one):
[ ] Donald Fart isn't nominated, and Scuzzy Cruzzy joins Romney & McCain in the 'RINO' Hall of Shame (as far as you lot are concerned, anyway) as he FAILs.
[ ] Even if Wiggy is nominated, he has to eat eternal Crow as he concedes to either Sanders or Clinton.
Choose wisely.
As you & all your ilk will only have one alternative: Lucifer.
It's called 'Hobson's Choice'. Either deal with it, or admit your way of thinking has always been inferior, give up your 'Pride' and join those who are on the eternally winning side: we left -wing Atheists.
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So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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