When HIV was first discovered, i thought it was one of the plagues being poured out so people would repent and stop fornicating and doing unnatural things.
And then you realized that the virus is also spread with blood, from mother to child, and from rapist to rape victim. If only rape were one of those unnatural things, right? Instead it's almost condoned by the Bible...
Is it true that Men of God have told people in Africa that condoms spread HIV, thereby making sure that more people are infected and dying? Condoms are one of the very few things that stop the virus from spreading.
I guess you were wrong, because people didn't repent and stop fornicating and doing unnatural things.*
*"Unnatural things" in this instance probably means "anything I won't do in the bedroom."
When HIV was first discovered, i thought it was one of the plagues being poured out so people would repent and stop fornicating and doing unnatural things.
"Then I realized, 'wow, that was dumb' and immediately put down the bong."
And then you realized that you were wrong, you'd come to that initial conclusion based on fear. You realized that making snap judgments was wrong and that you'd think things through from now on. You know now that attributing everything to so-called Biblical principles is an unwise and backwards way of perceiving the world. Right?
"When HIV was first discovered, i thought it was one of the plagues being poured out so people would repent and stop fornicating and doing unnatural things."
The Smallpox Eradication Program, from 1950-80. The last person to die from Smallpox was in 1977; the virus only exists in culture flasks in certain labs around the world, with debate in the scientific community to this day on if these cultures should be kept for future anti-virological research, or destroyed. Scientists have it in their power to make a species of virus - one of your God's 'creations' - extinct .
Science - 1. God - 0.
That old Biblical favourite Leprosy is easily treatable nowadays.
Science - 2. God - 0.
Antiretroviral drugs that arrest the onset of HIV, if diagnosed early enough. Ongoing genetic research into the virus itself.
...I think you know where this is going, derpmombum.
Want to make it Triple Jeopardy, where the stakes can really change...?!
But since you don't contract HIV until after you've already fornicated, and millions of people fornicate daily without getting HIV, God would have to be pretty stupid to think that would work. Or maybe it's just people like damombomb who think they can read God's mind who are stupid.
When HIV was first discovered, i thought it was one of the plagues being poured out so people would repent and stop fornicating and doing unnatural things.
But since it's not, you may shut up now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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