Do not see this movie. Like Harry Potter it is meant to appeal to kids and will only lead them astray using clever marketing techniques and product tie-ins. Furthermore, I find it unhealthy for our kids to go on thinking God created other planets and that they are alien robots inhabiting them. Once your kids see this movie they are going to want to play with Transformer toys, Legos, and all other sorts of toys that enable them to build robots like they saw in the movie. They will fantasize about other worlds that are not in the Biblical account of creation and believe that robots are created with life in the same way God made man. Our youth cannot help but be corrupted by such robot fantasies and it encourages them to grow up worshipping manmade technologies like robots. Obviously this has clear implications for other man-made creations, like stem cell research. We should not mess with Creation or with the story of it. If you want your kids to worship robotic life then take them to this movie. If you want them to know that God made man on the sixth day and stopped there—he didn’t make another planet filled with evil robots—then avoid this movie at all costs. Don’t be 'Decepticon'-ed by this movie.
Yes, other fiction is evil, because it makes your fiction look like the bad fiction that it is. Oh, and Legos are evil, as any parent who has stepped on one in the dark can tell you.
Wait until this guy sees the sequel, where it turns out that robots go to heaven (for those that have not seen Transformers 2, don't, but robot heaven thing is a real thing in it)
*Sigh* First off, it's Lego not Legos. It's singular never plural.
And fiction isn't evil fundie,
You can blame yourselves. Your fantasy presents us as the God's sole creation in a vast, cold and dead universe, and that makes us feel pretty lonely.
Therefore we like to present the universe in our fiction as teeming with life in all possible forms.
And, as has been mentioned, Our fiction is way more interesting, so you can blame yourselves for that too.
Edit: Sangfroid
If I remember correctly, transformer toys, comic books and a TV show were big in the 1970s and 1980s. Obviously that was the cause for society's turn away from religion to science, which led to the cure for cancer, the colonies on Mars and the interstellar engine.
Oh, wait...
"Once your kids see this movie they are going to want to play with Transformer toys, Legos, and all other sorts of toys that enable them to build robots like they saw in the movie. They will fantasize about other worlds that are not in the Biblical account of creation"
Oh, indeed; for Lego is only limited by one's imagination:
'Chevron Seven locked in place'
How do you know that your 'God' wasn't created by the Ancients? [/"Stargate" franchise]
Oh, indeed; for Lego is only limited by one's imagination
That's exactly the problem. We can't have kids developing an imagination. Then they'll start thinking of things, things that aren't in the Bible. One of the things they might think of is questioning authority or worse yet conducting their own investigations into politics and science. Best to keep them reading the same book over and over again on a nightly basis, chanting the same chants over and over again, and then repeating all of that once per week in a congregation of people who are doing the same. They WILL be assimilated [/Borg]
Oh, what to say, what to say...
First, you're scared that transformers will indoctrinate children into believing alien life exists, but you support using the bible to indoctrinate children into believing no alien life exists. Don't you see the hypocrisy here? Also, at least Harry Potter and Transformers admit they are just FICTION! Instead of your bible which claims all it's made up stories are 200% reality.
And I for one greatly support encouraging children to keep building and inventing. So our society can grow and eventually we will be able to build intelligent robots. Because it's has been made pretty clear that scientific discoveries have done us so much good, taught us so much, as opposed to your bible which very clearly has done us more harm than good and wants us to remain ignorant, mindless primitives.
Also: if us mere humans were able (and probably will be) to build androids that are, in literally every aspect, superior to humans, what does that say about your god? We are then clearly much better at building & creating things then a supposed omnipotent and omniscient being.
Who says "god" wasn't a Goa'uld? Would explain him blowing up two cities and causing so much misery for his own gain... And his absence lately could be explained by the Tok'ra or Asgard finally killing him.
Well, at least I know who to truly worship.
Hallowed are the Ori! Hallowed are us, children of the Ori!
P.S.: that's a really cool and detailed Lego set.
Let me say sorry in advance, but I couldn’t choose which picture to use:
If Jesus was a Tok’Ra, it would explain so much. The Tok’Ra managed to kill the Goa’uld playing Yahweh and tried to steer its followers down a more peaceful path before they left Earth for good. Shame that it didn’t work
This is the first time I've seen Lego called evil.
@1742957 - of course robot heaven is a real thing, otherwise where would all the calculators go?
I so want that. I really want a Lego Stargate. I want. I want. I want!
Sorry, what were we talking about? Oh, right. Fundies.
I find it unhealthy for our kids to go on thinking God created other planets
Isn't this exactly what your bible says?
They will fantasize about other worlds that are not in the Biblical account of creation and believe that robots are created with life in the same way God made man.
Isn't it your lot who always say that everything had to have a creator, and that creator just happens to be God?
This should give you some idea as to it's creation (by Kelly McKiernan):
...and yes, it's symbol ring rotates, with light-up Chevrons. I'm just surprised that Lego haven't contacted Kelly about this, concerning a licencing deal with MGM and all.
Yes, because Heaven forfend that you be exposed to the idea that forms of life not exactly identical to yours can be interacted with in some way other than mindless hate. That would be madness.
I mean, what useful moral principles could a child possibly learn from fiction with aliens, robots, or even alien robots!?
Does this unit have a soul?
Grew up on Lego and the original Transformers. Also Care Bears,Doug, Ren and Stimpy and other cartoons and toys. Still don't worship anything related to any of those shows but still enjoy reruns and loved Lego Movie. In no way is your screed factual. And just what is wrobg with imagination?
Which Harry Potter movie? There are (at least) seven of them...
The HP movies are meant to appeal to youngsters from 11 (for the first film) and up.
So, some of the other gods created the other planets? Good to know.
Lego has been around for at least 50 years. When I was a child, I played with the generic rectangular pieces and had lots of fun.
Oh noes, people will use their imagination! Teh HORROR!!!
You do know that we use robots every day of our lives, don't ya, silly boy?
Stem-cell research is not based on man-made things but on natural biology and evolution, which might have been kick-started by whatever deity is handling this planet.
Kids nowadays mostly worship Idols, not toys.
Did god make man first and then animals, or animals first and then man? The Bible seems to say he did both, strangely enough...
Lol, "Don't be 'Decepticon'-ed by this movie." It's so stupid it's kinda funny.
That said, I don't think anyone is worshiping the transformers. If we really did create robots who could think and feel like us then there would have to be mutual respect but I doubt anyone would worship them (you know, except for fetishists or weird cults).
@#1743081 & Anon-e-moose
No no, you got it all wrong. The true gods are the Furlings. The reason we've never seen one is because they're invisible and apart of everything.
Also, Anon-e-moose, unfortunately, the toy rights for Stargate are currently owned by a knock-off Lego company called 'Best Lock' ((The name is a lie by the way)). My friend and I found a Death Glider at a Target once on sale for $2. It was the worst $2 either of us have ever spent.
Here's a picture of what it looks like built.
In fairness, the Jaffa's armor wasn't terrible, but none of the blocks fit together well and they didn't even bother to spring for a computer console piece for inside the cockpit. Supposedly they also produced a Daedalus kit, an Abydos set that has a pyramid and a monolith and so forth and a Gate Room set that comes with the original SG-1 team and a few Jaffa warriors.
Here's an example of the SG-1 mini-figs. Look upon their faces and know what true suffering looks like.
They made Sam look kind of like one of those Hagraven monsters from Skyrim.
First, it's fiction, people know how to speculate, thank you. Second, God could have created hypothetically the Transformers toó, why is it so incompatible with theology?. If people don't see a shoddy acting Sunday school sermon, following your logic, they are offending God. So?, what's the point of being religious?
What did you just say about me? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that to me over the Internet? Think again. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe you off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you idiot. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re dead, kiddo.
So your parents never gave you Lego for Christmas, and now you are all sour grape.
Jonathan: 31
Mental age:13
Could snark, don't feel like it, will only say, it's a poor philosophy that can't stand up to some competition. If you're really so fucking sure your God and your religion are the fucking centerpiece of all reality, then it should have no problem standing up to a movie about giant robots fucking each other up.
Or can Optimus beat Jesus?
Don’t be 'Decepticon'-ed by this movie?
I haven't even AutoBOT any of the DVDs, so don't Ratchet up your rhetoric with all of that Jazz.
"Don’t be 'Decepticon'-ed by this movie."
Puncess Carlostia: 'I'm Cullen you out on your pathetic so-called 'puns', if you think you're Optimus tic about your 'attempt'. Wordsmithing is an art, and all that Jazz . Proper use of wit & punning is something you must really Grapple with.
"Decepticon-ed" is the best you can do? You've only Hoist ed yourself on your own petard in doing so. 'Christian Answers' must be quite the N.E.S.T. of vipers. Now you just Scamper away, little Johnnie. Your intentions have gone to Rack'n'Ruin .
...oh, and KingOf Rhye, Arcee what you did there; your Kup runneth over.' /)^3^(\
"I find it unhealthy for our kids to go on thinking God created other planets and that they are alien robots inhabiting them"
Well, there ARE other planets, and not just the ones in our own solar system. If you believe in God, you gotta believe he created them, right? Robots or no robots, there's probably a good chance there's life of some sort on at least one of them.
Harry Potter movies are meant to appeal to anyone. The later ones are pretty dark and probably don't appeal to younger kids.
You think it's unhealthy to teach kids about reality?
The only world that is in the Biblical account of creation, is the Middle East.
Do robots breathe? If not, they are not created with life the same way God made man; he breathed into him and life begun.
Why should our youth worship man-made technologies? They ought to feel like gods, instead; be part of the men (and women) that make the technologies.
If you want your kids to stay uneducated and be unqualified even for jobs like grocery-baggers and burger-flippers, then carry on as you do; don't let them see interesting movies about technology.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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