My sister recently graduated from medical school (and seems to think that makes her smarter than me.)
Well, while it's not the be all end all of education, I hav a hunch you haven't even qualified from Med School, let alone completed it, so on that front at least, she has you beat.
She had the gull to tell me that the American? Medical Association thinks homosexuality is normal and natural, and that it shouldnt be changed.
Due to the fact that it does not harm the person directly, and doesn't inhibit their ability to live a happy, prosperous life, no it is not a mental disorder, no matter how icky you find it. As such, no, there's no reason to institutionalize us, when their time is better spent dealing with people with REAL problems. Oh and the fact that you don't know the difference between gall and gull doesn't help your "She's not smarter than me" argument.
Is that even true?!
'Fraid so, buttercup.
If it is, then obviously American doctors are unchristian.
Right. It's unthinkable that you're wrong, and punishing people for something they are unable to change. No, it's the doctors who are wrong, and obviously are trying to oppress you. Faaaaaack.
When my family gets sick, we PRAY and ask Jesus to heal us.
And I now KNOW your sister is smarter than you, now. People DIE doing that. There have been multiple high profile stories of children dying IN THE UNITED STATES of easily prevented disorders, because the parents, rather than taking their children to be treated, prayed over them...even as they got worse, and eventually died.
If more homosexuals would trust Jesus to heal them, then they wouldnt need equal rights.
Right, no homoesexuals ever thought of that. Which is why the suicide rate among us is so low...believing your alleged savior abandoning you to hell can't possibly be that crushingly devastating, can it?