... you damn athiests are allowed to have things that degrade Christianity and try to make religous scriptures 'like the 10 commandments' that there is nothing wrong with come off buildings. If you took time to read them you will find out that there is nothing that will offend you...
If you'd take time to listen to what atheists, members of minority religions, reasonable members of your own denomination, and lawyers have to say, you'd find that it has nothing to do with offense.
"...you damn atheists"
I love that introduction..say it again, but with more love in your voice!
Every punishment for breaking a commandment was physical death by executioner. The first amendment says that you MUST believe in god..so yeah, I dont see where anything in those rules should be offensive to atheists.
Thou shall have no strange gods before me.
Well, true enough. There hasn't been a god as strange as the Judeo Christian god.
However, I would like to point out that it has nothing to do with offense. It's entirely about the foundations that America was built on. One of those foundations, and a rather large one at that, is a secular government, separation of state and church.
Or is that too complicated?
Allowed to have things that degrade christianity? Like what, a brain? Intelligence? And there is something in the big ten that is offensive to atheists, the fact that it presupposes the existence of a god. That's pretty offensive to an atheist, especially since there is absolutely no proof that there is a god. And what in the bloody hell is "that there is nothing wrong with come off buildings."
Edit: I figured out what he meant by that. It just took awhile, seeing as fundies are grammatically deficient and all.
First Amendment, bitch! Putting the ten commandments up on courthouses and other US government institutions violates it. It's not about offense, it's about keeping you people from running roughshod over the laws of the country you claim to love. We'd be just as annoyed if somebody hung Jewish scriptures on courthouse walls.
Except the first one, which has nothing to do with morality. Translation: worhsip me or die!
Sounds like a toddler god making demands - there is no place for this nonsense on government buildings. Keep that crap on your pickup truck or in front of your trailer.
the first five are the insecure ramblings of a jealous god, along with a command to obey your parents. Dp not kill and do not steal have been laws in many aocieties thqt predate the bible. Adultery and lying are moral issues, and the thing about coveting is human nature.
in short, the ten commandments are four vanity items, one vague demandment, four good ideas to obey, and one thought crime.
>> ... you damn athiests <<
It's "you damned atheists". Get it right.
Put all this stupid shit you like on your OWN buildings. No offense.
If you're ok with the 10 commandments in/on public buildings, then you'd be ok with every religion putting its "commandments" right next to yours, right? If you get yours, so do they. You ok with that?
“... you damn athiests are allowed to have things that degrade Christianity”
I should think that the Crusades degrade Christainity. The Inquisition. Witch trials.
And as a matter of fact, you guys do your best NOT to allow it. I’ve been stationed in states where i couldn’t buy liquor on Sunday because of YOUR superstition, not mine.
"and try to make religous scriptures 'like the 10 commandments' that there is nothing wrong with”
I know some abused kids might quibble that there’s something wrong with ‘honor thy father and mother’ with no qualifications.
“come off buildings.”
Government buildings.
It’s okay, it’s only a constitution thing.
“If you took time to read them you will find out that there is nothing that will offend you...”
I have read it.
The first four violate the 1st Amendment.
WHy does the courthouse have a say on who i fuck?
If we didn’t covet, then capitalism would crash and burn.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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