[On the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."]
Wait for the military wannabes of the faggot persuasion to boldly whine about sexual harassment, and Obama's toadies scurry like rats on speed to punish the evil harassers. Don't believe me? Welcome to the U.S. Social Forces, and say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was.
All farking faggots must farking hang!
Say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest military there ever was?
Uh, Sacred Band of Thebes, motherfucker. They banged each other and still owned the shit out of their enemies. Even Philip of Macedon honored them when he finally defeated them.
"say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was."
Strongest? Perhaps. Toughest? Fuck off. With their portable air-conditioning units, and their food suppliments, and their tendency towards acquiring syndromes in the battlefield, not to mention a pink tutu that every one of them has to carry as standard equipment. You want tough? Try the Israeli Armed Forces or maybe even the Russians.
Yeah, what's the likelihood that a big ol' nancy-boy could conquer the known world, including areas that give us so much trouble? Oh, wait ....
You're willing to say "faggot" but not "fucking?"
If you're first thought is "sexual harassment cases will ruin the military," then you must be against women being in the military as well since most people are straight and most new recruits, being in their late teens and early 20's, are at/nearing their sexual peak.
Wait for the military wannabes of the faggot persuasion to boldly whine about sexual harassment, and Obama's toadies scurry like rats on speed to punish the evil harassers.
if they're being harassed then the harassers need to be punished; just like if it's a straight man harassing a woman. What's wrong with that?
Welcome to the U.S. Social Forces, and say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was.
Uh, how is our military going to become weaker by NOT throwing good soldiers out over something as trivial as sexual preference? And if you think homosexuals make an army weak, Sparta and Alexander the Great want to have a word with you.
All farking faggots must farking hang!
No. Bigots on the other hand...
The man who started FARK.com hangs his head in shame for your use of the word.
And if a member of society complains about legit sexual harassment, it should be dealt with. No matter what. The Army is no exception.
"the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was."
I think you mean richest, because that's all the US army ever had going for it.
You know, if all he wants is for all the "farking faggots" to be "hung," I think they would actually be in favor of that...
Edit: D'oh, John_in_Oz beat me to it!
The strongest, toughest Military force there ever was? Do you mean the French Foreign Legion? They are still around and still will be long after you've married your cousin.
See what I did there? I made an uninformed conclusion, based on your comment, that you are a dumb, bigoted redneck.... I'm probably not far off in your case though.
Wolfie's back, I see. This time with a mission to boldly split infinitives and filch a phrase from Startrek. Crass.
Why is it that the anti-gay contingent of fundies seems to be so undereducated and incapable of writing English without resorting to hyper-purple prose.
BTW, the Spartans had a code that is by many factors far more sever than that which rules the US forces. Try reading up on it. You might learn something. No. You will not find the Spartans in the Bible. They were real people.
Wolfie's back, I see. This time with a mission to boldly split infinitives and filch a phrase from Startrek. Crass.
Why is it that the anti-gay contingent of fundies seems to be so undereducated and incapable of writing English without resorting to hyper-purple prose.
BTW, the Spartans had a code that is by many factors far more sever than that which rules the US forces. Try reading up on it. You might learn something. No. You will not find the Spartans in the Bible. They were real people.
> Welcome to the U.S. Social Forces,
If the US military already had promotion/recruitment budget that easily allows them to afford developing hugely popular video games (and those aren't exactly cheap to develop), I'd have called them "US Social Forces" a long time ago.
> and say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was.
Now that's just rubbish - US didn't participate in many of the decisive battles in the history... even if you just look at the period of time when the US military had actually the chance to participate in them.
And if US army is so awesome... how's the situation in Iraq again? I quit keeping tabs long ago. Have you already won?
"Wait for the military wannabes of the faggot persuasion to boldly whine about sexual harassment, and Obama's toadies scurry like rats on speed to punish the evil harassers."
Awww, is the big bully crying because the mean old president won't let him bully anymore?
"say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was."
We already did. The Ancient Egyptians died out centuries ago.
Homosexuals have always been a part of every Military, this won't happen now, and didn't happen then, and isn't happening elsewhere in the world with open service for homosexuals.
"Welcome to the U.S. Social Forces, and say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was. "
This is the Military Force That Is Afraid Of Showers?
...and say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was.
Too much Hollywood will do that to a man.
Rambo is not a documentary.
What is with these guys and the self censorship? They'll go on and on about mutilation, killing, hanging, beheading, or the myriad homoerotic acts that apparently go on in Hell, yet they can't swear?
"Say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest Military force there ever was."
If we truly are all of that -- how come almost a full decade has gone by and we have yet to conquer what is little more than a band of renegades?
Yes, because by removing DADT, it means all the closeted homosexuals in the military (*GASP! SHOCK!* There are homosexuals in the military already?! OMG!) will suddenly turn into mincing faeries. You betcha.
Yet if it doesn't work it will be because of dickheads just like you.
FFS man - its your country you are sabotaging with your hate, why don't you just accept you lost this one, and make the best of it for the good of all.
Or does patriotisim and self sacrifice only apply when you get things all your way? You Republicans, I swear you'd rather see your contry in ruins than accept that other people's opinions must also be accomidated.
At least the "faggots" know how to be decent goddamn human beings, unlike YOU....
Oh, and: SPARTA. Toughest military force for the time, and chock full of yaoi goodness.
Strongest, toughest military?
Funny how this big bad military has fought numerous conflicts since World War II but only managed to score a decisive win in Grenada -- which is kind of like an NFL team beating the crap out of a Pee Wee league team after losses and ties to junior college and high school teams.
Also, re: Sexual Harassment charges.
I would be willing to wager dollars to donuts that asshats like this will take the slightest brush aganist the arm, or look that lasts nanoseconds longer than they feel is strictly necessary, and go shrieking sexual harassment.
The toughest military still belongs to the Gurkha units. When you walk the 20 miles or so just to try out (that's right. You can't join unless you walk 20 miles often barefoot. At altitudes that will cause most of us to get sick).
Look. If you discriminate against Gay People you deserve to lose your job. For the same reason as if you have discriminated against a black person.
"You're willing to say "faggot" but not "fucking?"" --1172579
I'm not afraid to say "fucking". Editors differ, that's all.
Oh, this ought to be entertaining to watch.
Please prove conclusively to me that a homosexual man is any less of a fighter than a heterosexual. Conclusively. Not anecdotal nonsense, not stereotypes, but hard evidence.
I'm waiting. Oh, and think fast. What's good for the goose...
"Please prove conclusively to me that a homosexual man is any less of a fighter than a heterosexual. Conclusively. Not anecdotal nonsense, not stereotypes, but hard evidence." --TWoozl
Show first that heteros enter the Military because they want to be accepted by homos as normal.
"Wolfie's back, I see. This time with a mission to boldly split infinitives and filch a phrase from Startrek." --Xotan
Look who's talking--> "BTW, the Spartans had a code that is by many factors far more 'sever'..." --Xotan
"Ok...go and approach an openly gay soldier, pref special forces and tell him to his face that he must "farking hang". I'll bring popcorn." Tolpuddle Martyr
Well, okay, but, I think he would enjoy a steak dinner with ice cream for dessert and a cigarette, over popcorn, Martyr!
Seriously. Come on, people. Doesn't it give you a tingle of electricity, a rush of excitement, as you realize I do read your literature?
"Say bye-bye to the strongest, toughest military there ever was?
Uh, Sacred Band of Thebes, motherfucker. They banged each other and still owned the shit out of their enemies. Even Philip of Macedon honored them when he finally defeated them." --Boy Wonder
Hey! That was not fair! Didn't Philip release all those gerbils and catapulted all those pink boas upon the enemy before he attacked them?
"Strongest? Perhaps. Toughest? Fuck off. With their portable air-conditioning units, and their food suppliments, and their tendency towards acquiring syndromes in the battlefield, not to mention a pink tutu that every one of them has to carry as standard equipment. You want tough? Try the Israeli Armed Forces or maybe even the Russians." --1172568
Really, I had no idea the Russians and Israelis carried pink tutus, portable air conditioners, and had pre-menstrual syndromes or something. You learn something new every day.
"The strongest, toughest Military force there ever was? Do you mean the French Foreign Legion? They are still around and still will be long after you've married your cousin.
See what I did there? I made an uninformed conclusion, based on your comment, that you are a dumb, bigoted redneck.... I'm probably not far off in your case though." --Mordeak
That's okay. I also made an uninformed conclusion that you will continue to be a momma's boy until you stop whacking your monkey, but it's good that I did not post it, eh? I could be far off in your case. You could be a female.
"Strongest? Perhaps. Toughest? Fuck off. With their portable air-conditioning units, and their food suppliments, and their tendency towards acquiring syndromes in the battlefield, not to mention a pink tutu that every one of them has to carry as standard equipment. You want tough? Try the Israeli Armed Forces or maybe even the Russians." --1172568
Really, I had no idea the Russians and Israelis carried pink tutus, portable air conditioners, and had pre-menstrual syndromes or something. You learn something new every day.
"What is with these guys and the self censorship? They'll go on and on about mutilation, killing, hanging, beheading, or the myriad homoerotic acts that apparently go on in Hell, yet they can't swear?" --Huckster Sam
What in the fuck? What in the name of Zeus's flying butthole do you mean by that? I cannot help that different editors do different jobs at checking posts. Tissue?
"The toughest military still belongs to the Gurkha units. When you walk the 20 miles or so just to try out (that's right. You can't join unless you walk 20 miles often barefoot. At altitudes that will cause most of us to get sick)." --FMG
I walked five miles to school every day. Uphill. Both ways. Does that count?
How about your big tough soldiers trade their fucking diapers and milk bottles for some big boy pants and stop bitching about how uncomfortable they are with their squadmate's sex life. Those 'wannabes' are out there putting their lives on the line for trash like you. I hold much disdain for the current wars, but I will NOT listen to you slander people who would take a bullet for you.
"How about your big tough soldiers trade their fucking diapers and milk bottles for some big boy pants and stop bitching about how uncomfortable they are with their squadmate's sex life. Those 'wannabes' are out there putting their lives on the line for trash like you. I hold much disdain for the current wars, but I will NOT listen to you slander people who would take a bullet for you." --Passerby
You can hear me?
How DARE you.
The roman war machine was the strongest, toughest military force there ever was. If Romans had the weapons and armors of today, their training standards ALONE would trump the American military. never mind the VAST numbers that generals were able to acquire in relatively little time, and not always with conscription.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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