david f #fundie answers.yahoo.com

If you believe in evolution , why limit yourselves from mating just with humans only ?
If you really believe in evolution, why not breed with all animals, to keep the gene pool stimulated, If we believe in that, its time to take having sex with animals off the law books, if man is nothing but another animal, it could not be wrong to at least try to stimulate a new race of superiour animals. Mans not special, he is just another animal , who says he has the right to kill another animal, He is eating his long, long lost cousins. I think to kill any animal he should get at least a few years in jail. We have almost destroyed rasism with other people those that believe in evolution should have to pay fines and go to jail for killing or eating other brother animals. If you believe in evolution this is fair , stop eating your long lost cousins. (of course i don't belive this I believe God put His breath in us, that why we are unique), but for those that believe in evolution we need to change the laws and give BROTHER animals equal rights.



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