Oh, and putting "in God we trust" on our currency is not imposing religion, nor is displaying the Ten Commandments, nor the inclusion of "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance.
szena: ... or if "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet" were displayed (in either Arabic or English) in government buildings with the use of tax-based public funds.
"Oh, and putting "in God we trust" on our currency is not imposing religion, nor is displaying the Ten Commandments, nor the inclusion of "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance."
If he thinks that those don't qualify as religious expressions, what the heck does he think that they are?
~David D.G.
Whose God? Yours? 10 Commandments? Your rules, your God again. Same applies to pledge of Allegiance. Also, doesn't the "I pledge allegiance to the flag" break one of those commandments of yours? Raising a piece of cloth to an iconic level?
I bet this is one of those "Christianity isn't a religion, it's a way of life" fundies. Promoting religious delusions/propaganda isn't imposing religion to this idiot, it's a way of life in AmeriKKKa!
Its not religious in any of the cases except for the Display of the commandments. There are people who do not follow the commandments.
Hell I personally think the first commandment is the most stupid statement in the history of mankind since it belittles everyone's beliefs.
Indeed it has ruined a fair piece of my ancestor's culture because of the conversion tactics of american baptists in India. All because they thought that somehow they were superior in their beliefs.
tehcrzy wrote:
"Silly me. I thought "God" was a religious word. My bad."
Sadly, the most recent Supreme Court decision on the national motto ("In God we trust") doesn't seem to think that "God" is a religious word.
Their reasoning? The phrase "In God is our trust" appears in the last verse of the Star Spangled Banner. <rolls eyes>
"In God We Trust" was adopted by Congress as the official national motto. So it seems futile to argue about taking it off our currency without fighting the more basic argument about its status as a national motto. Personally, I don't really care one way or the other.
The Ten Commandments are another matter. The first four are specific religious beliefs that not everyone agrees with, including the native Americans who were here first. In fact, even the various sects of Christianity don't agree about what they mean. Wars have actually been fought over what a "graven image" is, and Christians can't even agree among themselves about what day the Sabbath is.
Most people who want to post the Ten Commandments are hillbilly redneck Baptist bigots who want to impose their religious opinions on everyone else.
If it weren't a christian thing, then it would be "In a Deity We Trust" and "...one nation, under a Deity..."
The only religion I know of that referrs to their deity of choice as "God" is christianity, therefore those are christian references.
As a nation respecting no one religion above another, it is a slap in the face to the founding fathers that these references are present to begin with.
Unless it is.
Which it is.
Fucking moron.
I'm still pissed over the insertion of "God" into our (Canadian) national anthem, and that was over 25 years ago.
I think I'd go ballistic if we were forced to put up with these "non-religious" impositions in our daily lives.
You're right, it isn't!
Well, that's if you don't mind also displaying the Wiccan Rede, the Five Pillars, the Talmud, the Koran, Hammurabi's Laws, or any other religiously-motivated historic legislation as well. And being able to say "under Allah" or even being able to exclude G-d from public speech for devout Jews.
Something tells me you're not right for some reason.
Right, it's not imposing religion. Just providing a state endorsement of it. Which still violates one of those amendment thingies... which one is it...? somewhere near the beginning of the list, I think...
Well by that "reasoning"... I bet I can find a death metal song with a line like "Jesus sucks my cock". I wonder if s_o_g would accept the claim that that's "not a religious statement"?
Oh, and putting "in God we trust" on our currency is not imposing religion
It isn't? Then how about "in Gods we trust"? Does that still sit well with you?
While it may not out and out be imposing religion, it is showing a definite favor for one. And if someone suggested putting, say, in Thor we Trust, you'd be screaming blue murder on how someone is trying to impose THEIR religion on you, no?
Stupid sheeple...never realize their just cattle in a perverted game the rich and powerful play. They don't even realize that they're being brainwashed.
Let's all do what the government says, they can't be wrong.
Let's all do what the church says, why would they lie ?
Of course it's not anything to do with their religion.
If it was, they'd have thrown a major hissy fit over the new coins with it on the edge, and that batch that accidentally had it left off. They'd boycott the 'evil atheist money', and claim it was an attack against their religion...
But since it's nothing to do with their religion, obviously they didn't do that. Did they?
Which version of the Ten Commandments do you prefer, Protestant, Catholic or Jewish? For that matter, which does God prefer?
This God thing is a very recent addition (1950 something) and these bigots are talking as though it's been there since 1776.
America was not based on Christianity, it was based on ESCAPING from the way Christianity was being enforced.
It was based on the FREEDOM TO PRACTISE your religious belief (or lack of it) and now these bigots want us to rot in the hell of thier imaginations in the name of something that doesn't exist except in thier minds.
Can I put the four noble truths (buddhism) right beside your 10 commandments?
Oh right, THAT would be imposing religion on someone
fucking hypocrite.
money is what the land was also built on, without it we cant buy anything, so we would be reduced to bartering, so i keep using money, but yes the pledge is religious based along with the money.
So, God, the Ten Commandments and Under God are part of a philosophical theory?, I would like to know WHICH ONE.
Approximate: I've been substituting "we'll keep our land..." for the God thing for years now. Mind you, I also sing "in all our hearts command" rather than "sons", just so it's not sexist, either. Nothing like having the freedom to tinker around with your national anthem.
The 1952 issue $10 note:
...oh, and what was the Pledge of Allegiance from 1924 to 1954?
Thank you for admitting that, up to 1954, everyone in the US - even the Snake Handlers - were hardcore Atheists. You said it, I didn't.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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