[OK so all I have to do is oppose abortion when it's done merely for the sake of convenience? You got a deal.]
That's 93% of abortions when you exclude rape and death of the mother. I don't think and other liberals would agree to ban 93% of abortions. I know liberals, and abortion is their most important ritual. :)
Yeah, abortions are a lot of fun. The passing through a line of protesting fundies, engaging in a serious medical treatment wirh dangerous complications and living with the guilt after. It is a liberal's favorite pastime. They are getting pregnant just to enjoy the abortion. I wish I was a woman so I can get an abortion.
@ Canadian_Hoser:
John Waters reference?
You people really think that most abortions are performed because the baby is inconvenient? Your low opinion of humanity is very telling.
Abortion is a tough decision for anyone who makes it. No one does it lightly, without thought, or without weighing all the possibilities.
YOU may think that it is a flippant decision; in fact you probably do and you probably have most other fundies agreeing with you. But, just because you would undertake such a serious matter with no thought or consideration does not mean everyone else does.
I suggest we ban people who are stupid enough to listen to flush dimbulb from showing their ignorant nose-led sheep attitude by trying to post their master of lunacy's quotes on the web. If you don't have enough brain to think for yourself, don't embarrass yourself by quoting a failed draft-dodging disc jockey who hit a goldmine by appealing to upper middle class MALE paranoia and bigotry.
It's mostly for convenience when you exclude the main reasons why it isn't for convenience?
Wow, you're a veritable font of knowledge, aren't you?
At least this guy recognizes that there are times when abortion is medically necessary to save the life of the mother.
Go to abortiontv.com and see the pages of lies they have posted that claim doctors say no such conditions exist. Scary stuff, especially if the situation that lead the girl to seek out information in the first place happens to be ectopic pregnancy.
And yet pro-lifers have abortions pretty regularly too. Sometimes as birth control.
It's tough. I have a friend who had one because of a relationship gone sour. It may seem like a petty reason, but it's her reason, and I won't condemn her for it. (The odd thing was that she told me of a friend of hers who had one for what seemed to her to be petty reasons; I told her as gently as I could that given how hard it was for me, an adopted person, to come around to a pro-choice position (which I still find distasteful), I won't condemn anyone's reasons for getting an abortion as long as it wasn't forced.)
So that's why I don't get the liberal agendas, I haven't performed the required rituals.
So all those girls in the bible belt getting abortions are really just moles sacrificing their babies for the cause.
*sigh* why must this moron ruin Fark for me? why?
I've got a friend that got raped and is a hemophiliac. And these "christians" were telling her that she deserved to die, no matter what the chance of survival of the fetus was... Y'know, despite the fact that the growth had stunted in the womb and was developmentally at 4 months, instead of 9...
People like this make me want to burn things. Starting with them.
True enough, there are a LOT of people out there who would just have one for the hell of it.
Fuck off and die, A. Person. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. No. Fucking. Clue.
This guy is a troll, and a bucketload of fail. Why do we keep quoting him?
Still... Feminazi, that image wins. Once the sprog's out of utero, the fundies stop caring what happens to it. Fucking hypocrites.
This guy puts a smiley face at the end of EVERY one of his posts.
It's like that routine Steve Martin used to do where he said it was impossible to feel unhappy when you're playing the banjo. "You just can't go, 'Oh death grief and sorrow and murder!'" <major-key banjo riff>
"Pro-Life: Because anything that doesn't kill you is just a minor inconvenience."
And rape exceptions are fucking ridiculous. A fetus is a person that has more right to a woman's body than she does, but only when she engaged in dirty, sinful sex! Abortion is murder, but it's okay to murder when you've been raped! Then again, I'm glad when they show that kind of hypocrisy. All the more proof that it's not about fetuses, but about punishing women for sex they don't approve of.
Abortion is not a ritual, especially not a liberal ritual. Abortion is sometimes the lesser of two evils, not something someone WANTS to do, 'cause it sounds like fun.
And who decides what's a convenience and what is a neccessity? The pregnant woman? Her mate? The doctor? Some judge?
Even tho rape, incest, and mother's life at risk are the primary cause of abortion. Of coruse if you get rid of the primary causes, the secondary causes will make up what's left, you fool.
...what, as opposed to conservatives who have human sacrifice (in the form of the torture and murder of Muslims, non-white people, LGBT people, etc.) as their most important ritual?
Oh, sorry, I forgot -- we're not allowed to count that as part of "mainstream" conservatism, even when whenever one of the assaults and murders in questions occurs all the "mainstream" conservatives take a break from masturbating furiously over the idea of said murders to invent extensive apologiae for the murderers.
Even if abortion were actively encouraged (rather than accepted as an occasional necessity) by liberals, I'll take the loss of non-sentient loss of cells over the mainstream conservative movement's enthusiasm for the torture and murder of actual, living, sentient humans.
@ Papabear
<<Thunderous applause>>
You must also exclude the non-viability or serious malformation of the fetus, and the unsuitability of the woman/man to be parents.
Don't lie, stupid; you don't know any liberals in real life.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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