Darwins theory was disproved. at my WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, we discussed it. Darwin disproved his theory on his death bed thank you very much.
Well, no, that would be a myth. But even if Darwin had recanted, so what? Nobody ever said that Darwin was the final authority on thse things, or that the validity of the Theory of Evolution rested with what he did or said.
That's a common lie christians tell. The myth was fabricated by some woman named 'Lady Hope' who said she was present at Darwin's deathbed. Even Darwin's daughter Henrietta, who WAS present, said she had never seen the woman in her life.
"Darwins theory was disproved. at my WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, we discussed it. Darwin disproved his theory on his death bed thank you very much."
Aww, no you DID-N'T just go dere!
Damn, I feel dumber just typing that.
No, such tales are told and perpetuated by religious persons who wish they were true, but Darwin did not recant or disprove his findings or theories. Check out snopes.com.
Why do women need a special Bible study class? Do they only study the happy, clean parts of the Bible? Only the parts that deal with a "woman's place" in society? Or, is it a tougher class than the men's Bible study because all the men in your church are dolts?
Oh, wait, person x said it was not true? Wow, that just does such a good job at shooting down the plethora of evidence for it! Woo-hoo!
Seriously, though, even though it's been said 10 000 times in this thread alone:
1. Darwin did not recant. The fundie visiting him said he did. You know, 'Lying for Jesus' and all that.
2. Even if he recanted, it'd not make evolution wrong. Reason is about what's true, not about what feels good and/or is promoted by certain people.
One, Darwin´s deathbed conversion is false, it has been proved. Second, a women Bible study is not the ultimate scientific reason.
Jesus' divinity was disproved at my EVIL ATHEIST SCIENTISTS WINE & CHEESE PARTY, we discussed it. Jesus recanted his beliefs on the cross thank you very much![*]
[* "Eloi! Lama sabachthani." (Tr. God! I am forsaken.)]
N.b. this is a lie, but hey it's not like that's a sin or anything, right?
the whole "recanted" thing is rubbish. and so is this "disproved" thing. and even if he did recant, it doesn't mean evolution is false. there's still loads and loads of evidence for evolution. so you and your "WOMENS BABBLE STOODY" group still fail.
oh, and you know what darwin REALLY said on his death bed? no? his last words were, "i am not afraid to die."
Ah, I see. So either by "disproved" you actually mean "disproved," yet the logic behind this wasn't passed on. Just that Darwin disproved it and that's that.
Or you actually meant "renounced," and you assume that because Darwin came up with the idea he can un-come up with it?
Neither works.
Darwin disproved his theory on his death bed thank you very much.
Oh wow...no longer did he simply recant it, now he fully refuted it. And somehow, those words never really found their way to paper. How very, very...convenient.
Not true. But even if Darwin had never existed, Wallace would have published, and would have been called the father of evolution. And if Wallace had never existed, the theory of evolution would only have been slowed by a few years, as others were continually observing life on earth. And for the next century and a half we have only been finding confirmation after confirmation of the theory of evolution.
Now as for your other pet hypothesis, take "god" out of it and the whole thing falls apart. Creationism's not nearly as robust as evolution, it would seem.
Darwin’s, bubbles.
“theory was disproved.”
Feel free to share this proof.
“at my WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, we discussed it.”
Bet you $100 that your discussion included at LEAST four untruths. Starting with the claim that ‘we disproved it.’
"Darwin disproved”
Pretty sure you mean disavowed.
“his theory on his death bed thank you very much.”
I mean, there ARE a number of ways to falsify the Theory of Evolution.
If you really mean ‘disproved,’ i’d like to see Darwin’s disproof.
If you just meant ‘disavowed,’ then that’s an untruth that was part of your discussion. Halfway to my predicted goal.
I’ll take it in $20’s, please.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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