[Referring to the California Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage]
I'm not the loser in this, the kids raised by homos are going to be the real losers. Just like children raised in a abusive household at times tend to grow and repeat the same behavior we don't know what children raised in gay environments will be like. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is deviant, unlawful and despicable. It is not normal and the majority of Americans are only tolerant of this lifestyle because someone in their family is this way. I have two cousins that are gay and my wife's uncle is gay. They're everywhere. The real danger is when we amend the constitution to amend certain behaviors. That is the real danger.The thing that makes me the most angry is that a couple of judges can overturn the vote of the people (and it happens a lot in California). That should scare all of you, no matter which side of the debate you are on.
run a search on children of same-sex parents. ignore the religious sites, click on ones that show results of actual research that was done, and you will see that children with gay parents are no different that children with hetero parents.
Okay, I've just read through three of this guy's quotes, and I tried to be the bigger person. I tried to ignore. But... fuck, he had to bring children into it. Gay =/= pedophile/unfit parent/deviant/unlawful/despicable/predatory
I have known a pair of lesbian parents, and their little boy was well-socialized, bright, and happy. They have gay male friends, so this kid isn't lacking for male role-models, if that's the concern. I get the feeling that he'll grow up and make some woman (or, perhaps, man) very happy.
If you have 2 cousins with "da gay" aren't you at risk for catching da gay? And your wife has an uncle with da gay, so why'd you marry her? Doesnt that mean she might have caught da gay?
No? Then your theory is total garbage. Go back to "start". Do not collect $200.
Oh noez I caught teh gayz diseez!!!!11
Also, fuck you. I know two guys who are adopting, and I know they'll be terrific parents. The only hard time the child will ever have by having gay parents is when they're harassed by assholes like you!
Yep, gay parents always have gay kids. Just like how straight parents always have straight kids.
Also, I hate the term "homophobia" being slapped on anything anti gay. There are people out there with a true phobia and they're just seen as hateful people. Rather than use "homophobia" as the general term, can't we just say "fucking ignorant prick" instead?
But using YOUR logic, there shouldn't be any gays at all! Seeing as they were the products of a hetero husband and wife, man woman, and raised in a 2 parent household.
"No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is deviant, unlawful and despicable."
Um...no, no, and no?
And as both a gay young adult and someone raised in an abusive home, allow me to say: Please die.
"Oh noes! The Gays will raise their children to be accepting of others! Whatever shall we DO?!?"
"That should scare all of you, no matter which side of the debate you are on. "
The next thing you know, they'll be deciding the outcome of elections instead of counting the vote. Oh wait . . .
As far as I know, I don't have a single relative who is gay. In fact, I'd say at least half my family thinks just as you do. However, I am entirely accepting of gay people. How the hell do you explain that?
You're painting a picture with the broadest brush possible and that is more blinding that anything else.
I'm not the loser in this, the kids raised by bigots are going to be the real losers. Just like children raised in a abusive household at times tend to grow and repeat the same behavior we don't know what children raised in bigoted environments will be like. No matter how you paint it, bigotry is deviant, unlawful and despicable. It is not normal and the majority of Americans are only tolerant of this lifestyle because someone in their family is this way. I have two cousins that are racist and my wife's uncle is homophobic. They're everywhere. The real danger is when we amend the constitution to amend certain behaviors. That is the real danger.The thing that makes me the most angry is that a couple of judges can bypass the rights of the minority (and it happens a lot in Fundieville). That should scare all of you, no matter which side of the debate you are on.
@DarkfireTaimatsu: Seconded.
Well, there a lots of gay couples with kids here in Canada. I find their kids are charming and kind and wonderful. Actually, the only problem the kids have is assholes like you picking on them for having gay parents. So, IMHO you can go eat shit and die charley. Seriously, go fuck yourself with a cactus.
The thing that makes me the most angry is that a couple of judges can overturn the vote of the people (and it happens a lot in California). That should scare all of you, no matter which side of the debate you are on.
Yea, the 2000 presidential election was a fucking sham.
"It is not normal and the majority of Americans are only tolerant of this lifestyle because someone in their family is this way. I have two cousins that are gay and my wife's uncle is gay."
The only person in my family who's even suspected to be gay is my second cousin, and I'd never met him before my great-grandfather's memorial a month ago, yet I'm bisexual. Hmmmmmm...
... "we don't know what children raised in gay environments will be like."
Yes, we do.
People have been raised in households with two gay same-sex parents for decades now.
And guess what? Statistically, these kids are no more likely to be gay, straight, well-adjusted, or criminal than members of the general population. But they DO tend, statistically, to be less bigoted.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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