We often speak of the elite, inequality and instability, and what’s in store for the West in the future. Given low Western birth rates and recent mass immigration, I think we can predict with some certainty that we will face serious challenges, and possibly even insurrections within our own borders, just like the former Soviet Union.
This is a problem that was created by the people who are in power today. The post-Cold War political leaders who came into their own in the 1990s foisted their insane dream of a rainbow world, with everyone living in one big hippie commune headed, naturally, by a progressive white elite, on the rest of us.
Feminism is just one part of this political act of hubris, but it was enacted fairly early. Just as feminism and its effects have really started to make themselves felt over the last decade with skyrocketing illegitimacy, the failure of marriage as a social institution and the slow withdrawal of working-class men from productive enterprise, the next shoe to drop will be the spectacular failure of multiculturalism and integration.
If George Orwell lived today...
Also, feeling so threatened by a movement that you create a counter-movement is not a sign of failure.
" the failure of marriage as a social institution "
Marriage has recently become more vigorous in spite of anti-marraige laws passed by conservatives.
"the next shoe to drop will be the spectacular failure of multiculturalism and integration."
Except that shoe has been hovering since 2000 . . wait, since 1990 . . no, since 1980 . . .I mean 1970 . . since 1953 . . .
"Feminism is just one part of this political act of hubris, but it was enacted fairly early."
If not for all those Rosie the Riveters in WWII, a 'Cold War' would've been the least of your problems. [/"Fatherland "]
Imagine not the Stars and Stripes flying above the White House - but the Nazi Swastika*.
'Early' Feminism is what kept your country - as it does to this day - Free .
*- Or is that what you right-wing Fundamental ist Christains really want? Hitler was a right-winger after all, so...! [/Reverse Godwin]
Some quick questions:
Why is a low birth rate (compared to what? India? China? Spain? Or do you mean "declining") and recent "mass" (again, compared to what) immigration signs of challenges? It just means we have a lower number of white people, but the country itself will go on. Or is that your point?
And why is the "hippy commune" world you worry about such a bad thing? Again, does it have anything to do with the loss of the "natural power" of the white man?
Why is feminism a political act of hubris? Are you sure you know what the word "hubris" means?
Sorry, but the rest is just incomprehensible.
Same wankers who spout, "My country, right or wrong," and "Amurica! Love it or leave it!" when some right-wing douchebag President does something unpopular like, start a war.
We're never going back to that bucolic, "Leave-it-to-Beaver," bullshit era when all train conductors were Black, called "George," and "knew their place." It never really existed for most people, white or non-white. Multiculturalism is ethical, and here to stay. Get over it and fuck off.
The post-Cold War political leaders who came into their own in the 1990s foisted their insane dream of a rainbow world, with everyone living in one big hippie communeheaded, naturally, by a progressive white elite, on the rest of us.
As opposed to what? A segregated hellhole where ONLY white people can ever get good jobs and all of the benefits of society while everyone else gets the leftover scraps? I'd MUCH rather have an integrated world that isn't perfect than a world where everything is perfect but only for one group of people.
One of the reasons the Soviet Union ended in violence was because of the totalitarian domination of one group, the Russians, over the others. WF Price's prescription is a recipe for Soviet-style failure. I prefer the American way, thanks.
"the spectacular failure of multiculturalism and integration."
There sure does seem to be a long delay in this spectacular failure since multicultural integration has been happening here since 1492. (Admittedly not always working out well for the minority, but that's true of every culture and nation.)
mass immigration
Which is no fucking different from the mass immigration back in the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries that created the melting pot of cultures that is the US... and has always BEEN the US.
the spectacular failure of multiculturalism
In other words, the death of the US as it was envisioned when it was first created...
I wish these people would connect their discontents to the triumph of neoliberal capitalism, for such it was that caused them. They bring in more immigrants for cheap labour purposes, and to divide the native population. They pit women against men to divide people, and because single, isolated people are more of a source of profit than socially well-integrated people. Everyone, man and woman, gay and straight, black and white, has to compete and find a place on the insanely competitive capitalist ziggurat. That's the reason that they're telling women that they MUST be career women. That's the reason that they bring in cheap immigrant labour, and take production overseas and profits offshore.
If you call it "mass immigration" when the western world accepts about 50 000 of the 2 million Syrians who are on the run, then you don't have the tiniest perception of humanity, douchebag!
From what I hear, the Bible Belt has a real problem with divorce. Perhaps the problem is not with women who like civil rights, but with the men who like sex slaves... I'd say that Sweden is (or at least was, before our right-wings won the election) on its way to become one of the world's havens for feminists. I don't think divorce is that big of a problem here. Many couples don't get married at all, and most couples who split up, do that fairly amicably.
Do you really use the term illegitimacy, still? What, were you born in eighteen-hundred-something, or what?
George Bush, now a hippie.
The USSR had insurrections because it glommed up nations that were totally culturally different. They wiggled out from under the Russian thumb as soon as they thought they could get away with it.
State rankings of out of wedlock births, divorce, and teen pregnancy:
The post-Cold War political leaders who came into their own in the 1990s foisted their insane dream of a rainbow world, with everyone living in one big hippie communeheaded, naturally, by a progressive white elite, on the rest of us.
And I bet you've been whining about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ever since it was passed too.
Given low Western birth rates and recent mass immigration, I think we can predict with some certainty that we will face serious challenges
What do you mean "we", pale-face?
I don't know you, but I still see people working like dogs all day long. Wait a minute, you're not working at the moment, which explains a lot
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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