"And how typical you atheists are all just jealous."
Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the awesomeness of being an Atheist; our morals based on the simple philosophy of 'Treat others as you'd want them to treat you'. Also 'I wouldn't like being killed/harmed, nor my property damaged/stolen, so why should I do the same to others?'. Commit acts of gratuitous kindness. Be good for goodness' sake.
No invisible sky daddy required.
Armed with such morals (and thus obeying the law of the land as well), we have the freedom to do whatever we want, as long as what we do doesn't harm others/their property/ourselves. With no religious 'doctrine/dogma' telling us what to do.
Because religion has no right to tell we Atheists what to do. Least of all Jehovah's Witnesses.
...oh, and part of that freedom we Atheists enjoy? Being in receipt of a blood transfusion during an operation, if we need it. And (as I do twice a year) donating blood. Commit acts of gratuitous kindness, and all that jazz. Just one of the benefits of being an Atheist: religion has no right to tell you what to do. Or eat. Or wear. Or watch/not watch. Or say. Or read. Or think.
Now, what was that about being a JW that we Atheists are supposed to be 'jealous' about? And don't say 'life after death'; remember: Prove it.. Above all:
"Atheist Faggots"
'Faggot', am I? Hmmmm, I must discuss this with my girlfriend the next time she and I have sex.
...oh, and FYI, here in the UK 'fag' means cigarette. And 'Faggot' is a pork meatball:
So if you want to call me a 'cigarette' and/or 'pork meatball', go right ahead. But, like Fred Phelps & his Westboro Baptist Church, every time you do proves how hard you FAIL. Geography- and insult-wise.
@Tolpuddle Martyr
There's a technique to get rid of JWs from your door. It's simple, and guaranteed to ensure they'll never bother you again - as suggested by the Scottish comedian Billy Connolly:
When you get the 'knock' on your door, and you know it's them, strip off to the waist, if your front door has frosted glass down to your waist-height and approach your door (so they'll see you there; if your door has full-length glass you'll have to go 'The Full Monty', I'm afraid! X3). Then say to them "I'll welcome you in. But I have to tell you: I'm naked.. I have an erection. And I'm opening this door in 10... 9... 8... 7..."
Guaranteed that before you reach one, they'll have departed and travelling with increasing speed in the general direction of away!
And you'll never seen them again.
I know. I've done just as Billy Connolly suggested. That was three years ago. Not a whiff of those JW God botherers since.