walkingtall #fundie forums.fark.com

[An ironic reply to "I am an intellectual atheist, (meaning I was raised in the Xian church and saw it through for the scam it was at an early age)"]

This is the most inane statement I have ever heard in my life. Even when I was a die hard atheist I had to admit in my searches that Christianity had by far the most learned, intelligent people in history on their side and we got idiots like Darwin on ours. Sorry to burst your bubble but Darwin was one of the least intelligent men of science of his time. His methods were absurd and his conclusions ridiculous and if what he stated did not have fervent fundamentalist atheist backing would have been rejected as the pure drivel it is. I knew this when I read it. I simply thought to myself "Well this is just one more example of someone stepping in poop and coming out smelling like a rose." ie getting the right result using totally wrong methods. I see better now. So NO son you are not an intellectual atheist. You are a fundamentalist of the highest order and there is no logic reason or critical thinking in your mindset. Sorry.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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