[What the world would be like if evolution were true.]
"We'd all be breeding new species as offspring! And we can give them the new names of different species. So one family would say; my grandson is a homosittingus, and another human would say; my grandson is a mutant Ninja Turtle. Ah the world of fantasy. "
What world do you live in? Evolution doesn't say anything remotely like that and if it did it would instantly be dropped as it could be proven wrong in a second. The question was refering to the evolutionary theory as defined by scientists, not the stupid fucked up defintion you decided to make up in your warped little mind.
"We'd all be breeding new species as offspring! And we can give them the new names of different species.
Why, just think of it! We'd be saying, "Why, this one's a wolf! And this one's a jackal! And this one is a yorkshire terrier!" Oh, if only such a world existed!
O RLY? Because, as Darwin specificly stated but you're just to stupid to notice, it takes millions of years for the changes in seperated populations to accumulate to the point where they can no longer reproduce healthy offspring. Individuals can't evolve.
Look, you have your fantasy; why can't you let other people have theirs?
Now, you should actually stop looking to cartoons and sci-fi novels for your scientific education, also.
They still don't get it! Research people! Do research! Cause I'm not explaining this to you when your perfectly capable of looking up yourself!
Of course, they just don't want to look it up. Ignorance is bliss
Carico, Carico,
Riding on again,
Carico, Carico,
Off her nut again.
Carico, Carico, Carico
Sung to the tune of the theme from Robin Hood, TV series.
I imagine the authorities are monitoring all her activity, trying to figure out what substance she's abusing, because whatever it is it's clearly so potent that it's never been heard of before.
And that Ninja Turtle comment - brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
Or rather, we would all be born with a lot of small mutations, most of them insignificant, a few of them beneficial. Our offspring would carry on most of our mutations, and if some of the beneficial ones help us to be more prosperous, have more offspring, it would spread in future generations.
If a fetus had too many malicious mutations, it would result in a miscarriage.
Ah, the world of reality...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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