what evedince is there that there is not a Creater?
there is more evedince to support a creater then not. And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world. think about it. is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother? there is to much evil to say there is no God and no satan becasue there is more evidence that there is
than not. And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one? and why do we have guilt about the things we do. could it be that the bible is true?
what evedince is there that there is not a Creater? Shifting the burden of proof.
You can't disprove the existence of anything, be it trolls, unicorns, Oni, Shiva, or Yahweh. It's not up to us to disprove a claim - it's up to you to prove it.
there is more evedince to support a creater then not. No. There's zero evidence for a creator. Hence you resort to rethoric such as "the world's beautiful, so it has to be created", or that "without God there'd be no morals".
And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world. Yup, there we go. "We get our morals from Scripture and thus without Scripture there'd be no good as we're incapable of telling right from wrong.
And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one? and why do we have guilt about the things we do. Empathy. Social norms. A healthy, functioning brain capable of making rational decisions.
It must be sad not to be able to see any good in the world. Not everything is sunshine and puppies, and people do some nasty things at times. But I absolutely refuse to accept that the world is evil, or that humanity cannot be moral without a god. Not everyone is a demented killer at heart, as this person seems to assume, and people were quite capable of being kind to each other, and of living moral lives long before Christ came along.
As for guilt, why does that have to be because of God? Everyone lives in a society with particular views on what is good or not, and we pick up on that.
what evedince(sic) is there that there is not a Creater?(sic)
What evidence is there that there isn't an invisible pink unicorn? In a rational world, you assume falsity of a positive assertion in the absence of supportive evidence, otherwise you could just go around believing anything and everything.
there is more evedince(sic) to support a creater(sic) then not.
Cite, or STFU.
And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world.
That's a matter of opinion. I have plenty of hope remaining for this world, despite its many evils, and all of that hope I brought with me.
think about it
Already did.
is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother?
Not in any circumstances I can think of. But hey, notice how neither you nor I needed to cite god or scripture or anything to agree on that!
there is to(sic) much evil to say there is no God and no satan becasue(sic) there is more evidence that there is
than not.
You seem to have changed course in mid-sentence - you started with what looks like an appeal to emotion, which is logically fallacious, then seem to have given up and just reasserted your initial claim. If nothing else, try to be more coherent and consistent.
And why is that only humans no(sic) evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one?
Only humans have evolved the capacity for abstract thought and making conscious choices; what you describe is impossible without them.
and why do we have guilt about the things we do.
That's a little trickier, but empathy is probably a major factor. Perhaps you are arguing that God gave us empathy and guilt; I rather suspect that it was the other way around.
could it be that the bible is true?
It doesn't seem any more likely than any of the countless other religions and creation myths, all of which seem rather unlikely compared to the conclusions scientific thought and evidence have led us to. Certainly they all have an annoying tendency to avoid the scientific method of recording observations, proposing repeatable experiments and citing multiple, impartial observers and sources, effectively making it impossible to distinguish genuine supernatural events (if there have ever been any) from perfectly natural events described by the ignorant and the unperceptive, or by charlatans and frauds.
Azayah, did you fail basic spelling?
Every child is a creator, get over it.
There are no gods, and there is no "evil" world. Just a world, Its called Earth. You might want to visit it someday.
No! You should not take a baby and tear it apart in front of its mother ... unless god tells you to. However, the preferred biblical method is to smash babies against rocks. Or, for older children, get two she bears to do the dirty work.
@Tiny: It's "lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" (Dante's Inferno, Canto III), so I guess either translation would be OK.
There might be evidence that there is a creator. A creater?, first define what it is and then we´ll talk. Second, thousands of women have been taken their kids in all types of Christian and theists societies, and have committed atrocities you can´t imagine, are you hinting that human beings are monsters and suddenly, as if by magic, there is an all almighty God and that disappears?. I quote St Boniface who said, even if there is no God, you have to do well, as many people have done with no need of a Bible.
what evedince is there that there is not a Creater? First of all, it's spelled "Creator." And second, how can you have evidence that something doesn't exist?there is more evedince to support a creater then not. Yeah? Like what?And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world. You can choose to think of it that way. Personally, I don't, but the existence of a given condition is not dependent on how depressing it would be if that condition were true.think about it. is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother? Not unless she's an unfit mother. What's your point?there is to much evil to say there is no God and no satan becasue there is more evidence that there is
than not. That's not even coherent. Next?And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one? I disagree. Animals are capable of evil, depending on their upbringing and psychological makeup. I once had a cat that should never have been around children.
However, none of that has anything to do with whether or not there is a God.and why do we have guilt about the things we do. Because you feel bad about hurting someone. Is that only possible if someone programmed you to feel that way? Why?
could it be that the bible is true? I'm sure there's something, somewhere in the Bible that's true.
what evedince is there that there is not a Creater? What evidence is there that our destinies are not controlled by mystical purple elves living under a garden shed in the Andromeda Galaxy?is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother? Is it okay to order a father to sacrifice his son?
what evedince is there that there is not a Creater?
Your spelling? (cheap shot, I know, but oh so deserved)
And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one?
Could it be because good and evil are concepts invented by humans...?
could it be that the bible is true?"
Ooutlook: not promising...</Magic 8-Ball>
is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother
GE 6:11-17 God kills EVERY child.
EX 12:29 All first born children in Egypt killed by god.
LE 26:22 Beasts sent by god to kill children.
LE 26:29, DT 28:53, JE 19:9, EZ 5:8-10 God causes people to starve and they are forced to murdera and cannabalize their own children.
NU 31:17-18 All Midianite children murdered, unless they are teen virgin girls.
JS 7:19-26 Children murdered for sins of father.
JS 6:21-27 God instructs death of all including children.
JG 11:29-39 Jeptha sacrifices his daughter per god's arrangement.
2KI 2:23-24 42 kids murdered by god for mocking a bald prophet.
The peoples of Ai, Gibeon, Makkedah, Lachish, Jabesh-gilead, Amalek and Anakim, as well as the Eglonites, Hebronites, Debirites, Libnahites, and other peoples are 'utterly destroyed' meaning that not a child, animal or blade of grass was left after the lord was done with them.
GOD loves the hell outta killing, and children are no exception. The only nut-jobs that seem to have these fucked up ideas about harming children are the totally insane, and the religious.
And the bible IS the reason some people plot to kill and have massive guilt.
Funny, I've heard a number of the higher apes have the whole deceit and sadism thing down pat just as well as we do -- they just don't have the mental capacity to create torture racks or bombs. So yeah, I'm thinking humans aren't the only species to "no evil" (sic).
Evidence of a creator? There is none either way.
"Could it be" - You're asking if it is possible/probable. In some things, perhaps, but very little of that stuff matters to the god gang. In general, NO, the bible can't be true. It starts out with a big blooper, because there's no way for that to be the true description of the origin of the earth or the life on earth. Then there's that whopper about the talking snake. Then we get into that absolutely ridiculous story about Noah and the flood, which was probably a fairy tale to keep the children amused in the desert evenings. I wish we could question one of the writers of the bible, because he would be gobsmacked at the notion that people actually took that tale literally.
“what evedince is there that there is not a Creater?”
I’m atheist because none of the evidence FOR a creator is convincing.
“there is more evedince to support a creater then not.”
That’s kinda how evidence works. Not too much evidence against something CAN exist. But the evidence offered needs to be a lot better, to me.
“And if there was no god then there is no hope in a evil world.”
Argument from consequences isn’t the flex you think it is.
“think about it.”
For the last 40 years.
“is it ok to take a baby and tear it appart in front of its mother?”
We’re a gregarious species. People who think that is ‘good’ tend to be threats to the rest of us. Don’t need a creator or an Opponent to explain that.
“there is to much evil to say there is no God and no satan becasue there is more evidence that there is”
You keep insistin g there is evidence, but none is offered.
“And why is that only humans no evil and we can sit and think about hurting some one?”
Our development path was thinking over claws or horns.
“and why do we have guilt about the things we do. could it be that the bible is true?”
You’d have to show that your version of the bible is the ONLY explanation for guilt that exists or could exist, which means disproving all the other religions, just for a start.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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