If evolution is true, And god doesnt exist... Then life means nothing more than illusion, we can kill people, we can murder, rape, steal, lie, mock any one we want to, understand columbine shootings...
It's all a pipe dream.
"understand columbine shootings" WTF?
understand Waco, Ruby Ridge, Okie City, Jonestown, Iraq, Afghanistan, WW1 & 2, Viet Nam, the Philipines, America, Cuba, etc., etc., etc.
Oh, were we discussing atheists? Sorry, my bad.
Never mind. Vote republican.
"What the fuck?!! Are all of these people psychopaths held in check only by their belife that their nonexistant god will punish them?
Read any comment relating to this subject that we have here. Yeah, kind of, if you take their word for it.
I prefer to think of them as sociopaths, rather than psychopaths myself, but that may just be me getting the terminology wrong.
"we can kill people, we can murder, rape, steal, lie"
Like Timothy McVeigh, Tony Alamo, Jim Bakker, and Kent Hovind?
Meanwhile, we Atheists don't go around killing anyone, possess self-control enough to keep it in our trousers, don't take other peoples' property, nor tell porkies*. Because we wouldn't want anyone else to do the same to us.
Treat others as you'd want them to treat you. Be good for goodness' sake. Commit acts of gratuitous kindness. See? All the morals you'll ever need. No 'God' required.
*- Okay, so when our wives/girlfriends show themselves off in their new dress/skirt and they ask 'Does my bum look big in this?' are you going to be absolutely honest? If it wasn't for tact & diplomacy, this world would've ended in a nuclear conflagration decades ago. 'Little White Ones' ensure our continued existence - either worldwide or in the household.
Well, there is MUCH more to morality and ethics than just the old, primitive principle of "carrot and punishment".
But fundie minds seem to have problems understanding every concept that is even slightly more complicated than: "Behave, or you will suffer in hell!"
Most of us have morals and ethics. For those who don't, and there's prison and in some places the death chamber.
Better that than a blind belief in a god who is so homicidal and vile that it's not only in Texas or China where he would have been put down a long time ago, if he actually existed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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