[In response to: What evidence do you have that neonates are heterosexual?]
They are the composite of egg and sperm. This is heterosexual anyway you shake it. Start at the beginning. I'll leave you figure out this oh so simplicity.
They are the composite of egg and sperm. This is heterosexual anyway you shake it.
So what are gay people made of, chopped liver? Because I was pretty sure they started off from the same origin. Did I read my biology textbook wrong?
"Because gay people aren't made of egg and sperm, but sugar and spice and everything nice! :D"
No, of course not! Gays have nests with eggs in them.
"Gays" are those tall pink birds with long necks, right? Or did I get it wrong again?
"They are the composite of egg and sperm. This is heterosexual anyway you shake it. Start at the beginning. I'll leave you figure out this oh so simplicity."
There seems to be a small logical disconnect in there somewhere...
There was a neat little vid on Youtube that talked about the different arrangements of sex cells and how different animals behaved or physically changed to make sure those arrangements stayed viable.
This ones head would explode if they found out what clown fish alone were capable of.
hmm, homosexuals are the combination of sperm and egg. They must be heterosexuals !
that makes no sense at all
They are the composite of egg and sperm. This is heterosexual anyway you shake it.
I have to say that while this is not the stupidest thing I've ever read on this site, it's certainly up there.
now see, i was pretty sure that to have any kind of sexual orientation you need at least three things. and im pretty sure those two things are:
sex hormone
im pretty sure that newborns have genitals, so that ones gone. i suppose it COULD be argued that a newborn could think, though it certainly wouldnt be sentient thought, but i personally highly doubt that their thoughts go beyond "pooping now" and "hungry" in terms of complexity, but whatever, im no expert.
now that last one, sex hormone. seeing as that neonate is somewhere around 10 years away from no longer finding the opposite sex more or less repulsive, i would say that the sexuality of a child is more or less unknown to anyone but the child untill they start to display an acute interest in one sex over the other.
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