Airplanes would be falling _within_ the atmosphere, and objects in orbit generally tend to be _outside_ the atmosphere.
And an object falling for one minute will fall 17,640 meters (in a vacuum... I think we can disregard air resistance as he has disregarded the entirety of physics) in Earth's gravity field, you seem to be saying the the maximum altitude for aircraft is a little under 58 thousand feet.
So, not only is spaceflight impossible, but high altitude flight as well?
And what exactly is the motivation for this great deception? How has the government managed to keep it quiet for over 60 years that launching an object into orbit is impossible? Do you know how many people were involved from the very beginning all the way through until today? Who exactly pulled off this hoax? If the government of the United States knew it was impossible, why did they not just prove that Sputnik was faked, instead of collectively crapping their pants? If the Soviets knew that it was impossible, why did they not prove to the world that Apollo was faked?
Maybe they all thought, "Hey, let's fake spaceflight!" and then realized that it would be so expensive and difficult that they decided it would actually be cheaper and easier to just actually land on the moon instead? Maybe that's the real coverup, and they're just covering up the attempted coverup to hide the fact that they're trying to hide the fact that they covered up the hiding of the covered up coverup of hidden things.
Anyway, I'll ask around at the office, and see if we can get this figured out.
Dr. Razark
NASA, Johnson Space Center
Yup, I checked.
We can. We did. You fail.