[What about persecution of atheists in America? For example, the atheist Smalkowski family who were persecuted and wrongly prosecuted (the father) in a small town in Oklahoma just last year.]
what about it? if a society does not give God the honor that is due him, it falls into decay and terror. The little girl was taught poorly by her parents what is right and true, and therefore she was rebelling against authority. This incurs rightful punishment. Persecution of atheists is a good thing when rightly enforced, because Christian authority is good.
Double standards is good because, you know, when it´s your religion or your group, is always good, when we deal with another one is always bad.
UNCLE ALI WANTS YOU! for the revolutionary guards.
Oh, sorry, I see you're a christian. Go to hell, infidel.
Seriously, you got nothing left in America in the 21st century.
Yeah, that's right! We weren't using that old bullshit "Constitution" anyway! Throw it out! Kill all the Atheists and Muslims and Pagans and Bhuddists and even the Jesus-killing Jews! And then the Unitarians and the Catholics and the Episcopalians and the Lutherans and all the other non-evangelical Protestants and the Northern Baptists and any Southern Baptist who doesn't believe that we should because they ain't real Baptists anyways and then we can kill each other and the last one standing wins GOD'S UNDIVIDED LOVE.
Following your logic, the very fundation of your country shouldn´t exist. How do you explain the first ammendment?, how do you decide if parents are educating their children in the right way?, why don´t you harrass those anti-tax republicans and minute men, who are REALLY rebelious?
I see nobody has explained to PK that rebelling against authority is a very healthy stage in a normal young person's development.
Yes, PK, fantasize about your 'rightful punishment' of a little girl.
'...Christian authority is good.' Did your mother make it good for you...?
Somebody took that stance once. The British, French resistance, Canadians, Americans and Australians kicked him off the planet.
May I recommend 'V for Vendetta' by Alan Moore and David Lloyd (the graphic novel) before you institute this?
P.S. I have read the bible.
Edit: sorry, the Russians hurt him good too.
150,000 members of that group, and I'm sure they're not the only Christian Facebook group.
Anyway, I decided to read up on this Smalkowski case, as I knew nothing about it. It goes like this: Nicole Smalkowski was on an OK high school's basketball team. One day, the team got in a prayer circle to recite the Lord's Prayer, and Nicole, an atheist, refused to participate. For that, she got kicked off the team.
So, the family went to the house of the school's principal (it's a small town; I suppose it's a fairly ordinary thing to do that). Details are sketchy, but the principal allegedly punched the father, Chuck, in the face. The family alleges that it was unprovoked.
Next, the principal files felony assault charges (yes, the principal). And then he says he'll drop the charges if the family packed up and left the state of Oklahoma.
Of course, the Smalkowskis weren't about to accept that. So, they got the group American Atheists to represent Chuck in court, and he was cleared of all charges.
Sorry for the long post. :-P
"What about it? if a society does not give God the honor that is due him, it falls into decay and terror. The little girl was taught poorly by her parents what is right and true, and therefore she was rebelling against authority. This incurs rightful punishment. Persecution of jews is a good thing when rightly enforced, because Christian authority is good."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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