(In response to "Evolution is a fact. Natural selection and random mutation are theories to explain the fact of evolution.")
Wrong. Natural selection and mutations are the observable facts. Evolution is as far as we know science fiction.
[In response to "Cyanide is poisonous" is a fact. "Inhibition of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase" is a theory to explain the fact.]
Wrong. Inhibition of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase is the observable fact. "Cyanide is poisonous" is as far as we know, science fiction. Gimme some more of that lemonade.
"Evolution is as far as we know science fiction."
Well, if we're talking about what YOU know it'll be a very short conversation.
Guess what? I had an anthro class today, and my teacher said that exact thing. She said that evolution is not a theory, it's only the ideas of how evolution works that is a theory! What a coincidence, huh?
Wow. Just... wow.
He acknowledges that the processes of evolution happen, but evolution?! NEVAR!
The Doublethink is strong with this one.
Natural selection and mutations are the observable facts.
Good. And this leads to...
Evolution is as far as we know science fiction.
Ooh. And so close, too.
Technically, the OP is a bit wrong too, though of course nowhere near the level of cptdon: mutations and evolution are observable facts, natural selection is the theory that explain how multiple occurrences of the former fact + environmental pressure result in the latter fact. [/nitpicker]
They're both wrong
Evolution is a theory
Natural selection and mutation are laws
The diversity of life is a fact.
A theory is a summation of laws originating from experiments with hypotheses to test explanations of facts.
Electricity and incandescence are real phenomena. That tool you're talking about, that 'light bulb', as you say, is just a theoretical construct.
Damn it, I already had a headache before I read this. Now it's spreading down my spine as well.
Evolution = random mutation and natural selection
"Natural selection and mutations are the observable facts. Evolution is as far as we know science fiction."
We observe mutations. Just what, exactly, do you think evolution is?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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