
GMN #conspiracy commdiginews.com

On April 12th, We The People will celebrate the one year anniversary of the kicking the federal government off land rightfully owned by the State of Nevada at Bundy Ranch. i would like to invite any liberal who has been misinformed that the "stand off" was anything but defensive by a group of peaceful protestors who were lawfully and Constitutionally backed up by a credible 2nd Amendment. Bundy Ranch is the freest area in the nation, and will remain that way as long as 10's of millions of peaceful, law abiding veterans and Constitutionalists are alive. Article 1, section 8 paragraph 7 says that the Bundy Ranch supporters are right...and that's why the Feds never came back. If any left wingers want to try to support taking the land, I dare you to try to come and take it....same rules will apply 24/7, 365 days a year.....the Constitution is not negotiable, no matter how many armed BLM or DHS troops you can have do your dirty work & land grabbing. We will defend our nation & the Constitution , and we will do so on behalf of ALL Americans. The federal government cannot own any more land than the Constitution allows.....if they try to take cattle or land, they will meet the same force if not bigger than they did on April 12, 2014. If they are threatened by that, then maybe they need to read article 1, section 8 paragraph 17....and then read the second amendment, because we will use it to defend the Constitution and our land. We Marines are 10 times more dangerous than ISIS....and we cannot be purchased or supplied by John McCain like ISIS is. Unlike McCain's CIA ISIS, we are self funded & will never back down or be defeated by the Commies running the US Government