
The "If You Have to Ask" Award

The answer's probably "yes"

David J. Stewart #fundie davidjstewart.blogspot.com

Am I Too Conspiratorial?

I once received an e-mail from one of my website guests which said I was too conspiratorial. As always, I am thankful to my web visitors for their opinions and I am open-minded to any constructive criticism. I am not going to be critical of my guest, not at all. I simply would like to address this issue of being "too conspiratorial" because I believe others may be feeling the same. I have so much to say to you in this dark hour. Please hear me out. Here goes...

I do a lot of reading. When I was younger, I was your typical person who didn't take serious notice of the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights. I couldn't have told you what my rights were if my life had depended upon it. I thought the government was good, judges were all honest and authority was never to be questioned. I had been taught that Republicans were good, and Democrats were bad. As I grew older, I was still your typical person who really didn't care to concern myself with other people's problems. The scandals and government corruption I was hearing about really didn't phase me. I just didn't care one way or the other.

By the way, I was a saved Christian the whole time. I was saved at the age of thirteen. I did care about the things of God, but I felt that anything dealing with the world's problems was their own dilemma, not mine. I would continually vote "Republican" simply because they claimed to be against abortion (what a bunch of liars). In my mind, Republicans were decent conservative people and Democrats were all left-wing liberals. In part, this was because of whitewashing schemes (such as the all-American image painted over Ronald Reagan's presidency to hide his war crimes and betrayal of the American people). I was an idiot, just like many people still are today. Thank God, I woke up!

Before I go any further, I have to make this statement because it is so good. It is a statement by Thomas Jefferson.

"The man who reads nothing is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."

That is so true! If all you ever do is read the newspaper and listen to the TV, you're going to be a brainwashed fool. Sadly, most people form their opinions based upon information they heard from the TV. I said earlier that I read a lot. I have spent countless thousands-of-dollars for books in my lifetime. I have read many books, searched many websites, watched many videos, and listened to many sermons. I am shocked (to say the least) about the things I have learned. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. I can honestly say that the average person today is woefully ignorant of the truth about so many things. Even worse, they don't care! They are like I was years ago. God help us!

As I mentioned, I had always voted Republican because I thought they were against abortion. They lied to the public. Then one day I realized that abortion has remained legal ever since it was federally legalized in the early 1970's. Whether a Democrat or Republican has been in The White House hasn't made a difference, abortion has continued. The Republicans haven't even made a small ripple in the abortion industry. Yes, I say industry. Did you know that the abortion industry SELLS the babies' body parts for money? For $800.00 you can buy an aborted baby's brain. This is no conspiracy theory, it is a documental fact.

Am I too conspiratorial? Let's take a look at the dictionary meaning of a "conspiracy."

Based upon these definitions, we are living in a cesspool of conspiracies. Now let me ask you a question, especially if you claim to be a Christian. How are we supposed to respond to these "conspiracies?" Though most people would like to dismiss them as "conspiracy theories," that is not what God wants us to do about them. We need to look into these matters. Do you know what the smallest Bible in the world is? It is the Bible that most believers live. It is the few pet verses that many believers center their life around, but they never see the other Scriptures in the Bible. You can't just live your life friend on the portions of God's Word that you feel comfortable with. You must obey all of God's Word. There is a verse in the Old Testament which reads...

"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"
-Psalm 94:16

I've based much of my website ministry upon this verse. You see friend, part of being a Christian is standing up for what is right. Ephesians 5:11 commands believers to refute (Greek, elencho, meaning, "to expose") all works of darkness. Our duty as Christians is to speak out against evil and the workers of iniquity, and to expose Satan's works of darkness. If the truth offends them, so be it! I value your soul more than I do your friendship.

I admire Pastor Roy Thompson who used to pastor the Cleveland Baptist Church in Ohio for decades. He had a big sign out in front of his church that said, "Abortion is Murder!" Would to God more believers had that type of zeal for truth and righteousness. To our shame (as believers), there are unsaved people doing more to protect our freedoms than we are. Freedom isn't free. Liberty doesn't just happen. The problem is simple... people WON'T CARE until they lose their liberty and freedom, or their children. Oh, then they'll care! What will it take to wake you up?

How about having TSA stick their hands down your pants and grab your genitals?