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Have you seen this Bible Contradictions Chart posted on the internet? Did you ever wonder how anybody could conclude the Bible had all these contradictions? It’s designed to be fully interactive so you can click on it and see the different contradictions in the Bible. But they missed something. And it’s a really big problem for Atheists.
We’ll get to it very soon.
The Bible is an anvil that has worn out many hammers
-Unknown author

It looks like it was done the same way we’ve seen all the other Bible Contradictionists do it.
That’s why they’re always wrong. They’ve yet to prove a single real Bible contradiction -and here’s why:
(1) They seem to have made assumptions based on preconceived notions.
(2) They appear to have accepted their preconceptions uncritically with no use of logic or reason.
(3) They apparently never considered any other possibilities or other evidence –including opposing evidence.
(4) It looks like they didn’t even engage any experts in the field.
(5)There’s no indication they even read the Bible verses they cited to see if they made sense.
(6) Finally, there’s little evidence they did any research to back up their claims.
So all they’ve got is a flimsy assertion based on blind faith. So flimsy that it’s super easy to lay bare the errors and inconsistencies -as you will soon see.
You wonder why they would risk the shame, humiliation and embarrassment of being so wrong.
It would have been so easy to get it right if they’d just done a little homework.
The truth –as you will soon see- is that the contradictionists succeeded only in fooling themselves and –maybe- leading a few of their most naïve and credulous readers astray.


Where are all the contradictions?

A critical analysis of the so-called Bible Contradictions reveals the soft underbelly of the original contradictions claim.

Because –as has been shown here and here and here– the true number of Bible Contradictions is –in fact- Zero.

So whether the claim is of Irrefutable Bible Contradictions, Bible Contradictions that Cannot be Answered, or Biggest Contradictions in the Bible, an honest look confirms that the real number of Bible contradictions is Zero.

Zero. That’s the real number of Contradictions in the Bible. Yes, Zero.