Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com
Not a day seems to pass without the sanctimonious charlatans at Sulzberger's Slimes taking a cheap shot at the "human rights violations" of some foreign bad-guy d'jour. Meanwhile, here in America, bakers, florists, photographers and other affiliated wedding professionals are being forced, under penalty of law, to provide service to the sodomite spectacles of Obongo's America. It's not enough for the homosexuals to have gained the "right" to "marry" (barf), now they are throwing hissy-fits over anyone who refuses to recognize the abomination. Where is that storied "tolerance" that the pious Left is always lecturing about?
The Slimes piece highlights the case of Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker whose two-year court battle is about to finally go to trial. Described as "an Evangelical Christian" - as if only Christians oppose "gay" marriage - Phillips politely declined to bake a queer cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins. When the vindictive girly-boys promptly reported him to the authorities, the State Civil Rights Commission ordered Phillips to retrain all of his employees, who include his 87-year-old mother, and to produce a quarterly report detailing any refusals to bake. In response, Phillips has stopped accepting orders for any wedding cakes while he appeals the ruling.
In New York, a law judge fined Cynthia and Robert Gifford $13,000 for declining to rent their farmhouse for the wedding of two women. The couple paid the fine but has stopped accepting reservations for any more weddings while appealing. In California, a photographer was harassed by flash mobs of sodomite protesters and then fined. And on and on this growing litany of sad stories goes, and grows.
The legal cases are being fueled and fought by the American Civil Liberties Union; a legal front for Marxist subversion since 1920. For every business owner who has the means to stand his ground and fight the ACLU's legal terrorism, there are surely many more who just bite their tongues as they reluctantly obey the dictates of the sodomite newlyweds. In masking the pure evil of this outrageous tyranny, The Slimes uses the trick of presenting the two sides of this controversy in an impartial manner; homosexuals vs Christians: we report, you decide. In reality, the big story here is how innocent business owners are being terrorized by the sodomites on one end, and State governments on the other. There is no moral equivalence!
Even by the already low standards of just 10 years ago, godless America's accelerated descent into degeneracy is breathtaking to behold. It appears that a total societal collapse and prolonged period of suffering will be the only way that a rebirth of civilization will ever occur. As it is with trees, so it is with the affairs of man. The browning leaves must die off before the new buds can sprout.