W. F. Price #fundie the-spearhead.com
In fact, it wasn’t only the Germanic women who exulted in the barbarian lifestyle, but some Roman women as well. Although the invaders may have laid waste to the greatest civilization the world had yet known, slaughtered tens of thousands, burned and destroyed centers of learning and thoroughly wrecked the economy, leaving millions destitute, they ushered in an era of women’s empowerment and equality. Amidst the smoking ruins of once-great cities and estates, Roman ladies cavorted and feasted with unkempt, tattooed Gothic warriors.
Indeed, this seems to indicate that women’s relative power is stronger in more primitive, anarchic and despotic environments, whether they are our contemporary urban ghettoes or early medieval barbarian kingdoms. Many other examples, such as 12th century Mongolia and early colonial era Iroquois tribes point to this phenomenon. In fact, as far as I know, in barbaric, warlike societies, as opposed to civilized or hunter gatherer societies, women have the most power and freedom of all. In example after example, one can see the relative status of women decline as societies become more orderly, literate and settled. Contrast Homeric Greece to Athenian civilization. Pre-imperial to Confucian China. Jahiliyyah to the Caliphate — the list goes on.
The question, then, is whether feminists, when presented with the opportunity, would deliberately create the conditions of barbarism. That feminists romanticize a golden past of female empowerment, even going so far as to suggest that ape society is superior to our own, seems to suggest that they will. Perhaps, then, it isn’t so much that feminists want to change civilization, but rather – consciously or not – they aim to dismantle it.
If so, that may be exactly where we’re headed.